Category: safety to stay abroad

How to ensure the safety of your stay abroad – Guest Post


safety to stay abroad

Whether traveling abroad for work, study, or leisure, safety is always uppermost in our minds. After all, we’re traveling to a foreign country, with foreign laws and varying levels of safety and political stability. First-world countries are generally (but not always) safer than third-world countries, such as developing countries in Africa.

Public transport can also be a safety hazard, attracting pickpockets or resulting in the theft of luggage. One of the safest ways of traveling while abroad is by hiring a car. For example, in the UAE, you can rent a car from several reputable local car hire agencies.

Other tips to help you stay safe abroad:

1. Know The Safety Level Of The Country

While no country in the world is entirely safe, some are definitely less safe than others. So it’s a good idea to assess the risk factors of a country before your visit.

Travel Advisories

Read travel advisories issued by the US State Department. These will give you handy information about the safety and political stability in various countries.

Crime Statistics

Check the crime statistics online for the country you plan to visit. Stay away from countries that have high crime stats, especially violent crime.

Traveler Reviews

Read recent traveler reviews on websites such as Tripadvisor or travel blogs from people who have recently visited the country you’re going to. For example, American travelers ranked Dubai as one of the safest cities in the world in 2024.

2. Keep Important Documents Safe

Keep your passport and other important documents safe, don’t forget about newly drawn-up documents such as a car rental agreement as well. Make copies and store them separately in case the originals get lost or stolen.

3. Keep your money safe

Keep your money safe by using a:

  • Money Belt

Can be worn out of sight and undetected under clothing. However, skilled pickpockets have been known to pickpocket money belts, especially on crowded trains or other crowded areas.

  • Waist pouch
  • Leg stash

Don’t Flash Money in Public

This is especially true in tourist areas where pickpockets and opportunistic thieves are always on the prowl. Be discreet when handling cash to avoid attracting unwanted attention.

4. Be on the lookout for Pickpockets and Scams

Always be vigilant in crowded tourist areas and be on the lookout for scams targeting travelers. Keep your belongings secure and be cautious of strangers approaching you, rubbing up against you, or offering to carry your luggage. That may be the last time you see your bags!

5. Emergencies

Have the contact details of local emergency services as well as your embassy handy in case of an emergency. If you rent a car, ask for a list of emergency phone numbers in case of a road accident.

6. Stay in Touch

Regularly check in with friends or family back home, giving them details about your whereabouts and your travel plans in the next few days.