Category: DUI Charges

Bouncing Back After a DUI – Guest Post



If you have been arrested for DUI, it is likely that you experienced a vast range of emotions—from guilt to shame and maybe even shock. Once you get past your initial reactions, it is crucial that you create a comprehensive plan so you can effectively bounce back after your arrest. Below are some helpful tips to can look into:

Tip #01: Select the best DUI attorney

Here’s something not many people know: the representation you choose can significantly impact the jail sentence you are given, the charges you will be convicted of, and how your case goes.

Apart from providing help and guidance, a seasoned and competent DUI lawyer can also help minimize your fine or sentence. If you go to trial, you can spend as much as $25,000 (or more) in fines depending on your charges.

Typically, you will be taken into custody and will be allowed to make one phone call. Depending on the state where you live, you may have to stay in a cell until the alcohol has completely left your system.

Tip #02: Assess the role of alcohol in your life

Do you have an alcohol problem, or was it a one-time thing that went too far? You have to be completely honest with yourself to know what you need to work with. If you think you have an alcohol addiction, consider that your cue to take drastic measures to take control of your life again.

A DUI arrest and conviction can dramatically impact many aspects of your life. Apart from short-term repercussions like license suspension, it can also have long-term consequences since it can affect your future job prospects and your relationships.

Driving under the influence has resulted in thousands of deaths in the United States yearly. That means each time you drink and drive, you are putting not just your life at risk but also that of others.

Tip #03: Be transparent with your employer

Undeniably, a DUI arrest can impact certain aspects of your job. This is especially true if your license gets suspended. With a suspended license, you might find it hard to get to work or do some of your tasks effectively.

It is recommended that you discuss what is going on with your boss. Be clear and specific about how the arrest and conviction can affect your ability to do your job. It will also help if you prepare some suggestions on how you can minimize the impact of your arrest.

If you are in the process of searching for a job, you need to be aware that a DUI on your record might make it difficult for you to find employment. While unfortunate to note, there is a stigma that’s attached to this type of felony.

If you have spent a significant amount of time job hunting but to no avail, consider heading to a recruitment agency so they can help you connect with employers that are open to working with someone with a DUI arrest history.

Tip #04: Get all the support you need

A DUI arrest and conviction can be a wild roller coaster ride. To deal with something that’s life-altering, find trusted family members and friends and ask them to become a part of your support network. Here’s the bottom line: do not hesitate to ask for any help you need.

For instance, if you want to attend AA meetings, ask a friend to go with you until you have established the habit. Also, consider looking into therapy as another option that can help you conquer your drinking habit.

Final Thoughts

While life after DUI can be challenging, it is reassuring to know that there are countless things you can do to ensure you can bounce back immediately. Thankfully, the tips laid out above can help get your efforts off to a superb start. 

About the Author

Andrea Williams is the Community Manager at The Law Offices of Alcock & Associates P.C., a premier law group in Arizona that provides legal services to clients involved in Personal Injury, DUI, Immigration and Criminal cases. She enjoys cooking, reading books and playing minigolf with her friends and family in her spare time.

5 Things to Do to Increase the Odds of Getting Your DUI Dropped – Guest Post


DUI Dropped

Many people arrested for driving under the influence think a conviction is inevitable. After all, the prosecution often has evidence that can be difficult to dispute, including field sobriety tests, breathalyzer results, and blood alcohol level tests.

However, with a skilled and experienced DUI attorney, you can challenge the evidence, negotiate, and work toward a favorable outcome. Apart from getting expert help, there are four things you can do to increase your chances of getting a DUI charge dropped.

What is a DUI?

DUI can mean driving under the influence of either drugs or alcohol. A DUI can be charged as a minor wrongdoing (misdemeanor) or a serious charge (felony). While DUI laws vary from one state to another, a first-time DUI convict is typically charged with a misdemeanor. If you have been convicted of DUI before, you will likely be charged with a felony.

Some exceptions to the laws can determine the penalty you will get. For instance, you will be charged with a felony if the following occurs while you are under the influence:

  • You kill or injure an individual.
  • Your blood alcohol level is elevated (highly elevated blood alcohol level can differ from state to state. In some, the value is 0.08%, while in others, it’s 0.16%).
  • You have other law violations, such as driving with a restricted, revoked, or suspended license.
  • You have a child in the car with you.
  • You have a previous DUI conviction.

Increasing Your Chances of a DUI Dismissal

Getting a DUI charge can be a daunting experience, but taking immediate steps to increase your chances of dismissal can help mitigate the consequences.

1. Gather Relevant Evidence (and Potential Witnesses)

This can include collecting physical evidence such as a dashcam or security camera footage or obtaining statements from witnesses who may have observed the events leading up to the arrest. Additionally, gathering any relevant medical records or other documentation that may support your case can be beneficial.

By presenting a strong case with solid evidence and testimony from reliable witnesses, you may convince the prosecutor to dismiss the charges or negotiate a favorable plea deal.

2. Take a Detailed Record of the Incident

Document everything that happened leading up to and during the DUI arrest, such as the reason for the traffic stop, any conversations or interactions with law enforcement, and the results of any field sobriety tests or breathalyzer tests.

Furthermore, it can be helpful to write down any observations or details that may be relevant to your case, such as weather conditions or other factors that may have affected your ability to perform the tests.

You can provide your attorney with important information by keeping a detailed record of the incident, which you can use to build a strong defense and potentially get the DUI charges dismissed or reduced.

3. Don’t Speak to the Police

Generally, it would be best not to speak to the police without an attorney present. Remember that anything you say can be used against you in court, so you must be cautious. Without a lawyer present, you might say incriminating things. If you are asked to take a breathalyzer test or provide a statement, you should speak with your lawyer first.

4. Get an Experienced DUI Attorney

In addition to securing emergency towing services, hiring an experienced DUI attorney to review your case and develop a strong defense strategy is crucial. The right attorney can help you understand your rights, navigate the legal system, and potentially negotiate a plea deal or get your charges dropped altogether.

DUI laws can be complex and vary from state to state, so it is important to find an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in DUI defense. With the right attorney by your side, you can feel confident in your defense and work towards a positive outcome for your case.

5. Stay Out of Trouble

Avoiding further legal troubles while your DUI case is ongoing is crucial. This means you avoid engaging in illegal activities that can harm your case. By staying out of trouble, you can show the court that you are taking your DUI case seriously and committed to turning your life around.


If you are facing a DUI charge, it is important to take immediate action to increase your chances of getting your charges dropped. The key is to seek professional help from a reputable attorney and airbags and towing service provider. With the right support and guidance, you can take the necessary steps to protect your rights and secure a positive outcome for your case.

About the Author:

Andrea Williams is the Community Manager at The Law Offices of Alcock & Associates P.C., a premier law group in Arizona that provides legal services to clients involved in Personal Injury, DUI, Immigration and Criminal cases. She enjoys cooking, reading books and playing minigolf with her friends and family in her spare time.

Pending DUI Charges? How to Handle the Following Steps – Guest Post


Pending DUI Charges

If you are still in the early stages of dealing with your recent DUI charge, it can be hard to know what steps to take next. In the midst of being charged with a DUI, it can feel as though your world is being turned upside down. While the situation is serious, you will be able to make it through with the following steps listed down below:

Gain Some Clarity

A DUI charge may seem like the end of the world, but it is not. Over 20 million drivers have received a DUI charge at some point. Your case will not be the first of its kind, most likely. While you will face consequences for these actions, now is the time to start taking control of your life. Find someone that can support you to help you focus on getting through this challenging time. With the number of drivers with that charge over their heads, finding a local professional in your area should not be impossible.

Get a Lawyer

If you’re facing charges for a DUI, it’s important that you get legal representation. A DUI lawyer will be able to help you understand the legal process and your options. Some lawyers may provide free consultations as well. In either case, contact an attorney as soon as possible so they can begin defending your rights and working on getting the charges dropped or reduced. It is also important to be honest with your lawyer so that they can make a strong case for you and it doesn’t fall through the cracks when an acquisition pops up.

Call the Insurance

Once you are arrested and charged with a DUI, your next priority should be to call your insurance company. You’ll need to share the date of arrest, the jurisdiction where the arrest occurred, the name of the arresting agency, and the arresting officer’s name and badge number. It is important that you get all this information before giving them a call and probably even get it during the arrest or soon after.

Know Your Legal Rights

Many people forget that they still have rights after they are charged with a DUI. Remember, you have the right to know why you are being charged. When you are arrested, the police officer must tell you that they believe your blood alcohol concentration (BAC) was .08% or higher based on personal contact or that you were involved in an accident and failed the field sobriety test. Keep in mind that there are many factors that may affect your BAC, including how long it has been since your last drink, what type of alcohol was consumed when your last meal was eaten, and your weight and height.

A DUI charge can lead to serious consequences if you’re convicted of this crime. If you find yourself with a DUI, you can get help and legal aid. Keep this guide in mind to minimize the impact of the DUI charges against you.