Category: Driving Drunk

Preventing Drunk Driving: Awareness and Education – Guest Post


Drunk Driving

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room, or rather, the drunk elephant behind the wheel—drunk driving. We all know it’s a terrible idea, but it still happens far too often.

While good DWI and DUI lawyers in Phoenix can help one out of a drunk-driving case, this may not resolve the underlying issue. And so we’re diving deep into the world of responsible drinking, highlighting the importance of awareness and education in maintaining highway safety.

The Impact of Drunk Driving: Key Statistics

Let’s take a quick pit stop to look at some eye-opening statistics that underscore the urgency of the matter:

  1. In the United States, approximately 37 people lose their lives due to alcohol-related traffic accidents.
  2. Annually, 10,000 lives could be saved if people chose not to drink and drive.

Now, if that doesn’t make you sit up and pay attention, we don’t know what will. It’s high time we address this issue head-on.

Factors Behind Drunk Driving

Why Do People Drink and Drive?

Getting behind the wheel after a few too many drinks is a bad idea. That is common knowledge, but people still drive drunk. Why? Here are some reasons:

  • Overconfidence: Some folks think they’re invincible after a few drinks. “I can handle it,” they say. But can they, really?
  • Lack of Alternatives: Public transportation isn’t always convenient, and finding a designated driver can be a hassle.
  • Impaired Judgment: Alcohol impairs judgment, leading some to believe they’re sober enough to drive when they’re not.
  • Social Pressure: Sometimes, it’s peer pressure that gets the best of us. “Come on, just one more!”

The Role of Awareness in Prevention

Preventing drunk driving begins with spreading awareness like wildfire. We need to make sure people understand the consequences and the risks.

  • Social Media Campaigns: Use the power of social media to share stories, stats, and hard-hitting images that send a clear message: Don’t drink and drive!
  • Community Outreach: Organize seminars, workshops, and events in local communities to educate people about the perils of drunk driving.
  • Partnerships with Bars and Restaurants: Encourage bars and restaurants to promote responsible drinking and offer alternative transportation options.

The Power of Education in Combating Drunk Driving

Awareness is one thing, but education takes it a step further. Educating people about the dangers of driving under the influence and the alternatives available can be a game-changer.

  • School Programs: Implement programs in schools that educate young people about the consequences of drunk driving.
  • Mandatory DUI Classes: For drivers who were convicted of DUI, attending educational classes should be mandatory. Let’s ensure they learn from their mistakes.
  • Family Conversations: Discussing the issue within families can be powerful. Parents can set an example for their children and have open conversations about the risks.

How Drunk Driving Laws and Regulations are Evolving

Laws surrounding impaired driving have become more stringent over the years, which is excellent news for road safety.

  • Ignition Interlock Devices: Many states require DUI offenders to install these devices, which prevent the car from starting if the driver’s BAC is above the legal limit(0.08).
  • No Refusal Weekends: Some areas designate certain weekends as “no refusal” periods, where law enforcement can quickly obtain search warrants for blood tests if a driver refuses a breathalyzer.

Consequences of Drunk Driving Offenses

While we’ve covered a lot about prevention, let’s not forget the repercussions of drunk driving:

  • Legal Troubles: DUI convictions can lead to fines, license suspension, and jail time.
  • Financial Costs: Defending against a DUI charge and paying fines can be expensive.
  • Personal Guilt: The emotional burden of knowing you’ve put lives at risk can be overwhelming.
  • Injury and Death: Drunk driving can result in severe accidents and fatalities, forever altering lives.
  • Increased Insurance Premiums: Your car insurance rates are likely to skyrocket after a DUI conviction.

Technological Advances in Drunk Driving Prevention

The ever-advancing world of technology also plays a significant role in preventing drunk driving.

  • Rideshare Apps: Uber, Lyft, and similar apps have made it incredibly easy to find a sober ride home.
  • Breathalyzers: Personal breathalyzers allow individuals to check their blood alcohol before deciding to drive.
  • In-Car Safety Features: Some vehicles are equipped with advanced safety features that can prevent drunk driving incidents, such as lane departure warnings and automatic emergency braking.


Preventing drunk driving isn’t just about laws and regulations; it’s about changing hearts and minds. Awareness and education are the keys to making our roads safer for everyone.

So, the next time we raise a glass, ensure we’re also raising awareness and being responsible. Remember, it’s about everyone sharing the road’s traffic safety.

About the author:

Michelle White
Content Marketing Strategist

Michelle White is currently the Content Marketing Strategist for Arizona DUI Team. Aside from spreading awareness on DUI and vehicular-related offenses, she enjoys reading and hiking with her family and friends.

Is a Drunk Driver Automatically at Fault for a Car Accident? – Guest Post


Drunk Driver

Let’s get real for a moment: drunk driving is no joke. It’s a serious offense that puts innocent lives at risk and can have devastating consequences. That being said, there are some misconceptions out there about whether a drunk driver is automatically at fault for any accidents they cause. So, let’s take a closer look and see if we can clear up some of the confusion.

The Role of Drunk Driving in Determining Fault 

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a criminal offense that puts both the driver and others at risk. As per the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, drunk driving is a dangerous crime.

While drunk drivers do share liability in serious accidents that occur when they are under the influence, they do not automatically bear liability for accidents that occur when intoxicated. Liability depends on the negligent behavior of all the parties involved. For example, if the other driver was speeding, they may share some of the blame for the accident.

It is important to hire the best Criminal defense attorney. Because they have plenty of experience and knowledge in dealing with all types of DUI traffic offenses. Criminal defense lawyers support you through the complete legal process. This means that they will properly investigate the real facts of the DUI case. A drunk drive Accident victim will get the best possible outcome for their lawsuit. All individuals should require a genuine criminal defense lawyer nearby the court for their legal proceedings. Having the right criminal defense attorney will make the complete process hassle-free. Therefore, you will no longer have to struggle with DUI criminal charges and penalties. Moreover, they will help you to succeed in the DUI case.
For more information on the dangers of impaired driving, visit this

Contributory and Comparative Negligence

In some states, the legal standard for determining fault in a car accident is based on contributory negligence, which means that if the plaintiff (i.e. the injured party) is found to be even partially at fault for the accident, they may not be entitled to recover damages. However, most states use a comparative negligence standard, which allows the plaintiff to recover damages even if they were partially at fault, as long as the defendant was also at fault to some degree.

Potential Consequences for Drunk Drivers

Even if a drunk driver is not automatically deemed at fault for an accident, they can still face serious consequences for their actions. This can include paying for medical bills, property damage, and other costs associated with the accident. Additionally, they may face civil lawsuits, fines, and even jail time.

What Happens If the Drunk Driver Is Not Convicted?

Sometimes, a drunk driver who was involved in an accident may not be convicted of drunk driving due to some legal or technical issues. In such cases, the victim can still pursue a personal injury claim against the driver’s negligence that led to the accident, regardless of whether the driver was drunk or not. An experienced car accident lawyer can help you understand your legal rights and options in such cases.


How do we prevent drunk driving in America?

Drunk drivers in America are responsible for thousands of injuries and fatalities every year. The most common response to prevent such high numbers is to ban drunk driving or set mandatory penalties for repeat offenders.

Is it necessary to invest in PIP policy?

Yes. Failing to invest in your personal injury protection (PIP) policy may leave you with insufficient funds to pay for all of your medical bills from a car accident.

Final Thoughts

The question of whether a drunk driver is automatically at fault for an accident is a bit more complicated than it may seem. However, the bottom line is that drunk driving is never okay. It’s illegal, it’s dangerous, and it can lead to devastating consequences. So if you choose to drink, make sure you have a designated driver or use a ride-sharing service to get home safely. And if you’re ever involved in a car accident, be sure to consult with an experienced personal injury attorney to ensure that your rights are protected.

How to Prevent Your Teen From Driving Drunk – Guest Post


Prevent Your Teen From Driving Drunk

About 10% of licensed drivers in the United States are under 21. And the bothering fact is that this demographic is held accountable for 17% of the country’s alcohol-related incidents. This only explains why parents do everything they can to keep their teens from driving drunk, even if it means installing ignition interlock devices.

As parents, there are other things you can do to keep your teens from driving while under the influence. Below are some effective techniques to consider:

1. Educate them about the dangers of drunk driving.

Discipline starts with the parents. Educate your teenager about the dangers of drunk driving. Let them know it is a serious offense that may result in fines and jail time. Having that basic knowledge alone should be more than enough to keep your teenager alert on the road and say no to alcohol when driving.

And if unfortunately, they are arrested for driving under the influence, an ignition interlock device could be installed in their cars. And they have to learn a lot about the device, including troubleshooting ignition interlock device issues and the dangers of tampering with the device.

2. Establish clear rules against drinking and driving.

Hands-on parents can somehow make a difference in the lives of their teens. Establishing clear rules against drinking and driving reduces the chances of teens getting involved in drunk-driving incidents. It also gives them an idea about what behavior is expected from them. So, as a parent of a teen, the number one rule to emphasize is to never drink and drive. If anything, inform them to contact you instead or have another friend who can drive to take them home.

3. Ally with the parents of your teenager’s friends.

It helps to get to know the parents of your teenager’s friends. And when you’ve already formed a bond, you can make a pact to look after each other’s kids so you can avoid parties that serve alcohol and drugs.

4. Have a secret code with your teenager.

One common reason teenagers don’t call their parents for help is that they don’t want to be embarrassed in front of their friends. In such a scenario, having a secret code can help your teenager reach out to you easily without losing face. Let your teenager use secret codes like “I have flu” to notify you that they need to be picked up.

5. Prepare a backup plan.

It would be great to have an emergency plan if you are not available to pick up your child. For example, you can give your trusted friend’s number to your teen. Let your teen contact your friend should your number be out of reach.

6. Don’t make alcohol available.

Teenagers nowadays can easily access alcohol. And one of the most convenient places to get it is right at your home. In that case, hide your liquor supply, and don’t tell them where you’ve hidden the alcohol. Make sure to have an inventory of those bottles, too!

7. Consider special occasions.

Graduation and prom nights are occasions when alcohol could be served, and drunk driving incidents are at their peak. Thus, get in touch with school officials and other parents, and come up with an agreement to ensure your teens’ safety. For instance, you can suggest having a safe ride program that features vehicles with good car audio installation after the event. Better yet, designate older siblings to fetch your teen.

8. Make your teen understand.

Peer pressure is there, and it is inevitable. Teens can’t easily say no in such situations. What you can do is help your teenager think of ways to save themselves from the pressure. Some good excuses would be, “My mom will take my license if she finds I’m drunk driving,” or something like, “My friend is going to pick me up later.”

Don’t Let Your Teenagers Drink and Drive!

You are responsible for the safety and well-being of your teenagers, so do everything you can to keep them from being arrested for a first-time DUI. Teach them all there is to know about drunk driving and the consequences that come with it. Most importantly, be a good example. Be someone worth emulating.

About the author

Lauren McDowell is the Content Marketing Strategist for Interlock Install, a Phoenix-based company that performs the installations, service appointments, and removals for ADS Interlock. When not writing, she attends book clubs and enjoys reading stories to her kids.