Category: In The News

Missouri Supreme Court Update


Missouri Law

The Supreme Court affirmed without reaching the issue of whether Gant or Carrawell required the suppression of the evidence, holding that any error was not prejudicial because other unchallenged evidence fully supported the judgment reached by the circuit court. While Mr. Hughes has standing to challenge the seizure of the bag he admitted belonged to him, this Court needn’t reach the problem whether or not Gant or Carrawell needed the motion to suppress to be sustained as a result of no prejudice resulted from it being overruled during this court-tried case. Decent extra proof to support the conviction was introduced by the defense in its interrogation of 1 of the impressive officers and thru the defense’s stipulation to the admission of the laboratory report showing the confiscated things were hard drug and cocaine.

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Justin Hunt, Criminal DUI Attorney-In the News


Justin Hunt is a defence lawyer based in Kansas City, Missouri, and working at KC Defense Counsel.He has had a wide range of criminal law experience, having worked as a prosecutor in California before changing sides when he moved to Kansas City

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