Category: Elements of a Missouri Dui Case

Elements of a Missouri Dui Case


Elements of a Missouri Dui Case

Driving cases are a significant legal issue in Missouri, reflecting the state’s commitment to road safety and strict adherence to traffic laws. A DUI conviction can result in severe penalties, including jail time, fines, and license suspension, making it essential for drivers to understand the intricacies of Missouri’s DUI laws. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the elements of a Missouri DUI case, covering statutory definitions, legal procedures, evidence requirements, penalties, defenses, and the impact on a driver’s record.

Legal Definition of Dui in Missouri

Missouri’s DUI laws, often referred to as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI) laws are detailed in the Missouri Revised Statutes § 577.010 and § 577.012. Under these statutes, a person commits the offense of DWI if they operate a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or a combination of both. The legal blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit is 0.08% for drivers aged 21 and over, 0.04% for commercial drivers, and any detectable amount of alcohol for drivers under 21.

Key Elements of a Dui Case

To secure a DUI conviction in Missouri, the prosecution must prove several elements beyond a reasonable doubt:

  1. Operation of a Vehicle: The individual must have been driving or in actual physical control of a motor vehicle.
  2. Impairment: The driver must have been impaired by alcohol, drugs, or both, which is typically demonstrated through chemical tests (blood, breath, urine) or observed impairment (field sobriety tests).

Types of Evidence Used in Dui Cases

The prosecution can use various types of evidence to establish impairment:

  • Chemical Test Results: Blood, breath, or urine tests showing a BAC of 0.08% or Chemical tests must be conducted properly to be admissible in court.
  • Field Sobriety Tests: Observations from standardized tests such as the walk-and-turn, one-leg stand, and horizontal gaze nystagmus. These tests assess physical and cognitive impairment.
  • Witness Testimony: Statements from officers or other witnesses about the driver’s behavior, speech, and appearance.
  • Video Evidence: Dashcam or bodycam footage showing the driver’s conduct during the traffic stop.
  • Physical Evidence: Evidence of alcohol or drugs found in the vehicle.

Penalties for Dui in Missouri

Missouri imposes severe penalties for DUI convictions, which escalate with subsequent offenses as:

First Offense

Classified as a Class B misdemeanor, carrying up to six months in jail, a fine of up to $500, and a 30-day license suspension. Additionally, the offender must complete a Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program (SATOP).

Second Offense

Classified as a Class A misdemeanor, punishable by up to one year in jail, a fine of up to

$1,000, and a minimum 30-day jail sentence or 60 days of community service, along with a one-year license revocation. The offender must also complete a more intensive SATOP.

Third Offense

Classified as a Class D felony, with penalties including up to four years in prison, a fine of up to

$5,000, and a 10-year license revocation. The offender is also required to install an ignition interlock device (IID) upon reinstatement of their driving privileges.

Aggravated Offenders

Those with multiple DUI convictions face enhanced penalties, including longer prison terms and higher fines. For example, a fourth offense is classified as a Class C felony, while a fifth or subsequent offense is classified as a Class B felony.

Administrative Penalties

In addition to criminal penalties, DUI offenders face administrative consequences from the Missouri Department of Revenue (DOR). These include license suspensions or revocations, which are independent of the criminal case outcomes. Missouri’s implied consent law mandates that drivers submit to chemical testing if lawfully arrested for a DUI. Refusing to take the test results in an automatic one-year license revocation.

License-Related Penalties

DUI offenses lead to various license-related penalties, which are contingent on the number of prior offenses and the driver’s BAC at the time of the arrest:

  • First Offense: 30-day license suspension, followed by a 60-day restricted driving period.
  • Second Offense: One-year license revocation.
  • Third Offense: Ten-year license revocation.

Defenses to Dui Charges

Several defenses can be raised in a DUI case:

  • Improper Stop: Arguing that the officer did not have reasonable suspicion to make the traffic stop.
  • Inaccurate Test Results: Challenging the validity and accuracy of the chemical tests.
  • Field Sobriety Test Issues: Questioning the administration and interpretation of field sobriety tests.
  • Medical Conditions: Demonstrating that a medical condition affected the driver’s behavior or test results.

Impact on Criminal Record

A DUI conviction can have long-lasting effects on a person’s criminal record. It may affect employment opportunities, result in higher insurance premiums, and lead to other social and financial consequences. Expungement of a DUI conviction is possible under certain conditions but is generally a complicated process that requires legal assistance.

Legal Procedures in a DUI Case

When a person is arrested for DUI, the legal process typically involves several stages:

  1. Arraignment: The defendant appears in court to hear the charges and enter a plea.
  2. Pre-Trial Motions: Both parties can file motions to suppress evidence or dismiss the case.
  3. Trial: If the case goes to trial, the prosecution presents its evidence, and the defense can cross-examine witnesses and present its own evidence.
  4. Sentencing: If convicted, the court imposes penalties based on the severity of the offense and the defendant’s prior record.

Treatment Programs and Probation

Missouri offers various treatment programs for DUI offenders, ranging from short-term education courses to long-term residential treatment programs. Participation in these programs is often a condition of probation.Probation typically lasts for two years and requires compliance with court-ordered conditions such as sobriety monitoring and regular check-ins with a probation officer.

Community Service and Restitution

In addition to jail time and fines, DUI offenders may be required to perform community service or pay restitution to victims if the DUI resulted in injury or property damage. Community service hours vary depending on the severity of the offense and the court’s discretion.

Technology and Monitoring

Modern technology plays a significant role in monitoring DUI offenders. Courts may require the installation of ignition interlock devices (IIDs) in offenders’ vehicles.

These devices prevent the vehicle from starting if the driver has been drinking. Continuous alcohol monitoring devices and random drug testing are also common conditions of probation.

Implied Consent Law

Missouri’s implied consent law requires drivers to submit to chemical testing if they are lawfully arrested for DUI. Refusal to take the test results in automatic administrative penalties, including a one-year license revocation and mandatory completion of a Substance Abuse Traffic Offender Program (SATOP) before license reinstatement.

Field Sobriety Tests and Chemical Testing

Field sobriety tests are standardized tests used by law enforcement to assess a driver’s level of impairment. These tests include the walk-and-turn, one-leg stand, and horizontal gaze nystagmus tests. Chemical tests, such as breathalyzers, blood tests, and urine tests, are used to measure the driver’s BAC. Proper administration and calibration of these tests are crucial for their validity in court.

Legal Rights and Responsibilities

Drivers have specific rights and responsibilities when stopped for suspected DUI:

  • Right to an Attorney: Drivers have the right to contact an attorney before submitting to chemical tests.
  • Right to a Second Test: Drivers can request a second test from a physician, technician, chemist, or registered nurse if they question the accuracy of the initial test.
  • Responsibilities: Drivers must comply with lawful orders from law enforcement, including submitting to chemical tests if requested.


Understanding the elements of a DUI case in Missouri is crucial for drivers to navigate the legal system and avoid severe penalties. Missouri’s DUI laws are stringent, with significant consequences for violations, including jail time, fines, and license suspensions. By knowing the legal definitions, types of evidence used, potential defenses, and the legal process, individuals can better protect their rights and make informed decisions if faced with DUI charges. Staying informed about these laws helps promote safer driving practices and ensures compliance with state regulations.