When going to court tomorrow My sister has bullied me for over 50 years, I…
Is there a way I can refuse these searches and possibly any court cases to back it up thank you
Is there a way I can refuse these searches and possibly any court cases to back it up thank you
My high school does a random drug search of the whole school using dogs and we are required put our backpacks in the hall where we cannot see them with the classroom door shut and are not permitted to get them until a school administrator says we can retrieve them I don’t have anything I shouldn’t but I still don’t like my stuff being searched at all and I know the 4th amendment is rather lacks when it comes to schools
Criminal Defense Attorney R. Christopher Simons Answer
The supreme court has gutted that part of the 4th amendment making a dog sniff not a search. They have done a series of supreme court cases in the past 5 years covering dog searches so the court cases are against you. Also being in a school limits your right to privacy.