Is judge going to arrest me when I get to court
Is judge going to arrest me when I get to court
July sixth 2009 I was given a failure to yield ticket in Cape Girardeau Missouri young man ran a stop sign and hit me I went in the next day to the courthouse to pay the fine scene is that I lived in Austin Texas I was not going to be in Missouri 30 days from that day the judge would work something out with me three days before my court date I called there was a new judge she was not going to Abide by any arrangement made they had sent my plea to my mothers address not mine which is why I called three days before the court date she informed me that she was going to get me failure to Appear and not abiding by any arrangement made. they had sent my plea to my mothers address not mine so I never got it which is why I called she informed me that she was going to get me for a failure to appear an issue Warrant. she issued 2 failure to appears and 2 Warrents
Now 2018 trying to get occl drivers license in Texas which I live and she is going to make me get lawyer and mandatory appearance in court. My fiancé just finished chemo radiation ( head and neck cancer and radical neck.
Justin’s Answer
It is possible that the judge will put you in jail. However, if you hire a local attorney, they will possibly be able to lift the warrants and dispose of the cases without you even visiting Cape Giradeau.