The Most Common Ignition Interlock Myths- Guest Author


An ignition interlock device or IID is a small handheld breathalyzer that’s designed to measure the amount of alcohol in the user’s breath. Also known as in-car breathalyzer, blow and go, and car interlock, it prevents users from starting the vehicle until a breath alcohol test has been taken.


Only those who are arrested and convicted of DUI are required to install an ignition interlock device. Since not everyone is familiar with the device, there have been widespread IID myths and misconceptions floating around that need to be debunked. Below are some of the most common ignition interlock myths and the truths behind them.

Myth #01: You can trick the ignition interlock device if you use the right methods.


Some people believe that when they obscure the smell of alcohol on their breath by using a chewing gum, the device won’t be able to recognize the alcohol in the sample provided. There is no truth to this. If truth be told, the device is designed to register breath-alcohol concentration at the molecular level. 

Myth #02: Ignition interlock devices can also detect drugs.


While driving impaired by drugs is considered illegal, an ignition interlock device won’t be able to detect drug use. Even if you are not under the influence of alcohol, but you have used drugs, it is recommended that you don’t even attempt to drive. 

Myth #03: An IID violates your constitutional rights.


The courts interpret driving as a privilege and not a right. Once convicted of DUI, you lose that privilege. The legislation intends to give you a chance to regain your driving privilege instead of suspension.


Myth #04: Someone else can blow into your IID for you.


Having a sober friend blow into your IID is prohibited and can be considered tampering with the device. It is important to remember that you will be required to do a retest after a few minutes of driving.  That said, even if you get a sober friend to start the vehicle, you will eventually fail the retest.


Most ignition interlock devices come equipped with a camera that will capture a picture when the device is used. Many states will not take tampering lightly and might lead to adverse consequences like license suspension and even jail time.

Myth #05: Once the device has been installed, no one else can operate the vehicle.


Even after the device has been installed, any licensed motorist can lawfully operate the vehicle. However, that person will still be required to blow into the device. Unfortunately, you will be the one to answer if there are any violations.

Myth #06: Installing an IID can damage the vehicle.


Only approved service centers are allowed to install and uninstall the device so no damage will be done to the vehicle. The ignition interlock is installed into the vehicle’s wiring which is connected to the engine. Once uninstalled, all the wiring will be returned to its original configuration. 

Myth #07: Some foods or beverages can cause a false positive.


Some foods and drinks can register alcohol much like other conventional alcoholic beverages. To avoid a similar scenario from occurring, you need to remember that if alcohol is present in the food or beverage you consume or drink, it is possible for the breathalyzer to detect it in the sample you provide.


In line with this, it would be best to wait for at least 15 minutes after a meal before providing a sample. Also, items like breath spray or mouthwash might lead to a positive BrAC reading if taken before giving a sample. 


Myth #08: If the device fails, you will be unable to start and move your vehicle.


There’s an emergency override feature that allows you to call the service provider to activate the bypass or override function. This one-time-only feature allows the vehicle to start without requiring a breath sample. You can then drive your vehicle to the service provider for repair or replacement of the IID.

Myth #09: If the engine stalls, you are required to resubmit another breath sample to restart the vehicle.


If the vehicle stalls the first time, a grace period or sample-free start is allowed so you can start the engine within three minutes.



Now that you know the truths behind some of the most prevalent IID myths, you will know how to use one properly and responsibly. To play safe, it is recommended that you check with the service provider if you have other questions you need answers to.





About the Author

Lauren McDowell is the Content Marketing Strategist for Interlock Install, a Phoenix-based company that performs the installations, service appointments, and 

removals for ADS Interlock. When not writing, she attends book clubs and enjoys reading stories to her kids.

What Should An Injured Passenger Do After A Car Accident?- Guest Post


A vehicle crash can be a traumatic occurrence for everyone involved. If you are an injured passenger in a car crash, you might be extremely uncertain about the legal procedure that must be pursued in compliance with state laws.


On the bright side, riders usually don’t have to think about lawsuits, so the court process should be a bit less daunting for you—provided you take the appropriate measures.

Here are a lot of things to bear in mind.


  1. First and foremost, what to do 

When you think that you or anyone else was hurt in the crash, the number one priority is to find medical treatment for yourself and everyone else who wants it. Do your best to keep still when you’re waiting for support, and don’t want to move if you think you can’t. Be sure that the local police and Ambulance responders are notified of the crash and all other wounded drivers, riders, or bystanders.


Bear in mind that even though you don’t believe that something is wrong, you might also have been hurt in the crash. If you notice the signs of headache, and severe wounds, immediately call your doctor as quickly as possible.


  1. Who do you need to talk about the incident?

As a passenger involved in a car crash, different state law allows you to share some details with the other party involved. The same happens to drivers, cyclists, and other travelers. If you need to witness in the future, you will be asked for your contact address. If you’re confused, it may be better to call your lawyer for advice.


  1. How the incident happened 

Before making a lawsuit, you need to determine if one party’s actions (or inactions) were the crash’s primary cause. You can only effectively seek liability for the injury to a reckless driver.


Your personal injuries lawsuit could be made against one driver or several drivers if there was a two-car crash with a fault mutual between them.


E.g., if you were harmed as a passenger in a rear-ended vehicle, the blame would actually lay with the other driver, then you would file a lawsuit with the other driver’s insurance agent.


  1. What kind of insurance can you claim?

You may be asking what sort of damages you might sue for money if you have a viable claim, and understandably so. The response would depend on the situation of the incident and the extent of the injuries. Potential liabilities can include hospital costs (including potential medical bills), property losses, pain, misery, missed income, and permanent illness or disability.


  1. How do you make a solid argument?

To make sure your lawsuit is effective, you’re going to have to find documentation and evidence relating to the car crash and your injury. These can include photos of the incident, medical history, testimonies, and police accounts, to name a few.


  1. What applies after multiple passenger accidents

Often the car crash allegations will get confusing as if several drivers were involved in a wreck. If this occurs, and any wounded passenger charges against the reckless driver, it is likely that the combined value of the accident lawsuits will outweigh the driver’s insurance. In that scenario, any wounded person would have to make up for less compensation.


  1. How to Maximize Your Chances

If you want to maximize the chance of making a good disability lawsuit, leaving you with more money for stuff like hospital costs and missed income, you can hire a professional solicitor to support you. Professional Car accident attorneys Stuart, Martin County, are committed to assisting victims of injury through a complicated litigation process. Call us now for all the answers to your urgent questions.




Navigating after a car incident can become very difficult. If you are an injured passenger in a car crash, please contact Car accident attorneys Stuart, Martin County. We are happy to guide you navigate the process of making the correct cases to help you get the reward you deserve.


Crary Buchanan is a specialized law firm committed to the offering of professional legal services in Florida. Our lawyers have extensive professional experience in nearly every major field of law, and many of our partners are certified by the Florida Bar in their areas of specialization.

Facts About Blood Alcohol Concentration That You Need To Know – Guest Post


A breathalyzer is a tool the police use to determine if a driver they pull over on suspicion of driving under the influence or DUI is impaired by alcohol.

With a breathalyzer, cops can measure drivers’ blood alcohol concentration or BAC and arrest them if the device displays a result above their state’s legal limit.

Many drivers have ended up being convicted and subjected to several DUI penalties on the strength of their BAC levels at the time of their arrest.

Here are some more facts about blood alcohol concentration that you need to know.

BAC Can Rise Quickly

The human body absorbs alcohol quickly.

Within at least 30 minutes after a drink, alcohol will already be detectable in our system. That’s because when we drink, we directly absorb alcohol through the small intestine and stomach walls.

From there, alcohol will go into our bloodstream and start making its way throughout our body to our brain.

Measuring BAC

BAC is measured in milligrams or mg of alcohol per 100 milliliters or ml of blood.

Results are expressed as a decimal, and a BAC of 0.10% means that every 1,000 parts of an individual’s blood contain one part alcohol.

Not All States Have A Legal BAC Limit of 0.08%

Most states arrest drivers over the age of 21 for DUI if their BAC levels hit or breach the legal limit of 0.08%.

However, Utah lowered its legal BAC limit in December 2018. While all the other states are still at 0.08%, Utah is now enforcing a legal BAC limit of 0.05%, the lowest in the entire United States.

Factors That Affect BAC

Several factors may affect an individual’s BAC levels, and they include:

  • Gender —Women tend to get drunk faster—and get a higher BAC—than men even if they consumed the same amount of alcohol. That’s because women produce smaller quantities of alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH), an enzyme that breaks down alcohol in the body, than men.
  • Weight —The less you weigh, the higher your BAC levels will be.
  • The elapsed time between drinks —A person’s BAC may continue to rise several hours after the last drink.
  • Presence of food in the stomach —Eating before or while consuming alcohol can slow down the rate of alcohol absorption, but food will not wholly absorb alcohol to prevent you from getting drunk. Once the alcohol enters your bloodstream, you will feel its effects.
  • Percentage of alcohol content –The higher a drink’s alcohol content, the more elevated your BAC will be. Vodka, whiskey, and other hard liquor types have higher alcohol content than beer or wine.
  • Rate of consumption –The human body can only metabolize one standard drink per hour. The faster you put drinks away, the quicker your BAC will rise.
  • Amount of body fat —Since body fat has very low water content and does not absorb alcohol, alcohol stays in the bloodstream until the liver breaks it down. The more body fat you have, the higher your BAC will be.

Coffee Doesn’t Lower Your BAC

Many people think that drinking coffee after consuming alcohol will reduce their BAC and render them sober enough to drive.

While caffeine may make you feel less sleepy or drowsy, it doesn’t do anything to improve your coordination, reaction time, and decision-making, all of which have already been hampered by your consumption of alcohol.

Aside from drinking coffee, other ineffective ways often touted as instant BAC-lowering tricks include:

  • Exercising
  • Taking cold showers
  • Drinking water
  • Chewing gum

Breathalyzers Could Take Inaccurate BAC Readings

Breathalyzers may be a primary tool in combating DUI, but they are not always accurate.

A breathalyzer may detect traces of alcohol in a driver who just used mouthwash, which happens to contain alcohol.

Breathalyzers also need to be properly calibrated regularly.

People living with diabetes tend to have increased acetone levels in their bodies, which breathalyzers could mistake for ethanol.

Because of the breathalyzer’s inability to provide accurate BAC readings 100% of the time, DUI attorneys in Phoenix and everywhere else use it as a defense for a client accused of drunk driving.

These are just some of the facts that you must know about blood alcohol concentration.

While knowing more about BAC will be quite useful for drivers who don’t want to be arrested for DUI, the best way to avoid that situation is never to drink and drive at all.

However, if you still get arrested for DUI due to an elevated BAC reading despite not having had a drop of it, an experienced DUI lawyer should be able to get the court to drop the charges against you because of an inaccurate breath test.


About the Author

Andrea Williams is the Community Manager at The Law Offices of Alcock & Associates P.C., a premier law group in Arizona that provides legal services to clients involved in Personal Injury, DUI, Immigration and Criminal cases. She enjoys cooking, reading books and playing minigolf with her friends and family in her spare time. 


Can I go to jail for not paying my debts?


This year has been extremely devastating for the finances of millions of Americans. Many have either lost their jobs or have had to close their businesses due to the quarantines imposed to curb the pandemic. As a result, the debts of countless people have increased beyond their ability to pay. If you are going through a similar situation, then you might be wondering: Can I go to jail for not paying my debts? The answer is more complicated than it seems.

Now, one of the preferred tactics of debt collectors is to threaten debtors with jail time if they don’t pay their debts, and given the uncertain economic outlook the world is facing, creditors are likely to be increasingly ruthless about getting their money back.

However, your creditors probably can’t send you to jail for falling behind on your payments, but that doesn’t mean they can’t take legal action or that you can’t go to jail because of some specific types of debt.

On the other hand, if you’re looking for a legal option to help you get rid of most of your debts, bankruptcy may be exactly what you need. If you want to file for bankruptcy quickly and effectively, you should work with a chapter 7 bankruptcy huntington beach, and KT Bankruptcy Lawyer may be an excellent option. Their team of attorneys has helped hundreds of people get a fresh financial start, and if you’d like to achieve that too, don’t hesitate to contact them.

You can’t be arrested for civil debts

For starters, you won’t go to jail for not paying civil debts such as student loans, medical bills, credit card debt, or utility bills.  In fact, according to the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, it’s illegal for debt collectors to threaten you with prison time for falling behind on your payments.

However, that hasn’t stopped many debt collectors from trying to force you to pay by threatening to deprive you of your freedom. If you find yourself in a situation like this, don’t be intimidated and contact an attorney as soon as you can.

What can debt collectors do?

Simply because they can’t throw you in jail doesn’t mean that debt collectors can’t do anything to force you to pay your debts, since they could file a lawsuit against you. If you lose the lawsuit, the court will probably issue an order to garnish your wages.

A wage garnishment is a court order that forces your employer to withhold part of your monthly salary. This money will be used to pay your debts in small monthly installments.

However, the most effective way to prevent a debt collector from taking legal action against you, and to stop wage garnishments, is to file for bankruptcy. Once you file for bankruptcy, your creditors are legally obligated to stop collecting the debt, and if you file for Chapter 13, you will have the opportunity to develop a payment plan that will get you out of debt in 3 to 5 years.

What debts can get you arrested?

However, just because you can’t be arrested because of “civil debts” doesn’t mean there aren’t debts that will send you to prison. The truth is that in some states, you could end up spending time in prison due to two types of debt:

Tax debt: Not paying your taxes is a federal crime. If you are prosecuted and convicted of this crime, you may have to serve time in jail.

Child Support Debts: Not paying child support is considered contempt of court since the court ordered you to pay it in the first place. You could spend up to 6 months in jail for failure to pay this type of debt.

If you’re drowning in debt, consider Bankruptcy

Bankruptcy can help you free yourself from your creditors and your debts. In other words, it’s an alternative that will allow you to rebuild your finances from scratch and restore your peace of mind.

However, if you are considering bankruptcy then you should work with a bankruptcy attorney in Huntington Beach that you can trust.

The KT Bankruptcy Lawyer team is always available to you and is committed to not letting anything stand in the way of your financial fresh start. If you have further questions about the process, contact them now for a free consultation.

Want to know more? Visit Legal Facts

If you want to know more details about the bankruptcy process, visit Legal Facts! There you will find easy-to-read and easy-to-understand legal articles that will allow you to learn about bankruptcy, consumer law, workers’ compensation, divorce, and many other legal topics in a matter of minutes. Plus, at you can also access a network of lawyers in every corner of the United States especially in a santa monica bankruptcy lawyers who are ready to help you with whatever you need.

If you are a lawyer looking to expand your business, click here for more information if you want to legal lead generation.

The Most Prevalent DUI Myths


Every state in the U.S. considers DUI or Driving Under the Influence a serious criminal offense. In some states, a repeat DUI offense is classified as a felony. The situation is even more difficult for aggravated DUI offenders. 


An aggravated DUI is given to drivers who have previous offenses, or who had a minor (below 15 years old) passenger when they were arrested, or whose license is restricted, suspended, or revoked. Offenders get more severe penalties than the regular DUI offense. An aggravated DUI attorney is helpful in situations like this.


If you or someone you know has been arrested for DUI, though, talking to a good lawyer is the right decision. You need to understand several important things, particularly the most common myths about driving under the influence. Most of the time, people get confused with what’s true and what’s not, so instead of fixing their case, they mess it up.

Myth no. 1 – If you drink coffee before driving, alcohol will be eliminated from your system.

No, drinking coffee does not remove the alcohol in your system. It doesn’t do anything except make you wide awake and jittery. You will be caffeine-drunk, but alcohol is still in your system.

Myth no. 2 – If you suck a penny (or copper), you will easily pass any breath test.

The only thing that’s real about this is that it’s an urban legend. Sucking on a penny or copper will not help you pass the breathalyzer. The device measures breath that comes from deep down your mouth, so it won’t make a difference if you have copper on your teeth or mouth.

Myth no. 3 – If you do not go over the legal limit, you won’t get a DUI.

The legal limit for BAC is 0.08%, and anything that is over it is considered a violation of DUI laws. However, getting a BAC under 0.08% does not exactly mean you cannot get a DUI offense. Authorities can use other evidence, such as testimony from a witness or witnesses, failure of field sobriety test, and video evidence or footage of the incident.

Myth no. 4 – DUI is a minor offense.

DUI used to be a minor offense back in the 1960s, but the situation has changed. Every year, there seems to be a new DUI law. Additionally, states have increased the gravity of their driving under the influence laws several times and quite regularly. There is nothing minor about a DUI offense.

Myth no. 5 – All DUI cases are the same.

Many people think that every DUI case is the same. There are different situations, and the circumstances are never the same. There may be cases with similarities in some aspects, but that is where it ends. 

Myth no. 6 – Almost everyone accused or convicted for DUI is guilty.

The breathalyzer is the primary device that authorities use to determine whether an individual is driving while intoxicated or not. However, breath tests can sometimes be unreliable. Field sobriety or agility tests can also be inaccurate because these are opinion evidence collected by the police. The most reliable test available in the country is a blood test. So, no, not everyone arrested for DUI is guilty, and this is why you need an experienced lawyer to explain everything to you.

Myth no. 7 – Drivers taking prescribed drugs or medication cannot be arrested for DUI.

There is no way to identify the difference between legally-prescribed narcotics and illegally-prescribed drugs easily. Additionally, there are no specific provisions in DUI laws on such issues. Therefore, it is not considered substantial evidence.

Myth no. 8 – Only hard drink drivers can fail the breath and blood tests.

Regardless of what drink you choose, you are still ingesting alcohol into your system. No matter what kind of liquor it is, it is still alcohol.

Myth no. 9 – Some people drive better after drinking a bottle or two of alcohol.

Why is it dangerous to drive while intoxicated? Driving under the influence is prohibited because alcohol impairs your judgment and clouds your thinking. It also affects your vision and reflexes. In some people, alcohol’s effect is even worse: they become oblivious to danger while others stare quietly at nothing, not aware of what’s happening around them.

Drinking alcohol before driving is definitely not the solution to driving better.

Myth no. 10 – Any lawyer is capable of defending DUI cases.

DUI cases are a class of their own; they are unique. So, a lawyer trained in divorce laws or corporate law cannot know the intricate details of defending DUI cases. No matter how well-educated, trustworthy, and competent a lawyer is, if he is not explicitly trained in DUI law, he won’t be able to give 100% of his experience and efforts in making sure his clients are well-represented. 

Getting the real facts about DUI is the first step in taking the right direction in any drunk driving case. A DUI lawyer will know the next step to take.


About the Author

Andrea Williams is the Community Manager at The Law Offices of Alcock & Associates P.C., a premier law group in Arizona that provides legal services to clients involved in Personal Injury, DUI, Immigration and Criminal cases. She enjoys cooking, reading books and playing minigolf with her friends and family in her spare time. 


Practical Tips To Find The Best Criminal Defense Lawyer In Los Angeles- Guest Post


 If anyone is looking for the best criminal defense lawyer then first of all one should understand the importance of having an excellent criminal defense lawyer. Once the client has the best criminal defense lawyer to represent him then most of the problems go away. When the client is facing a criminal charge then it should be very important to have a lawyer who ensures the client a favorable decision when the client goes to court.


 Such criminal charges are very crucial in one’s life so legal advice is a must to the client one can consult a criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles. So, the question arises here is how to find a lawyer who is very best at work and provides the best suggestion related to the criminal charge. The lawyer should be at a price that the client should easily afford and take legal suggestions.


There are so many tips while choosing the best criminal defense lawyer some of them are as follows


  • Passion for the work


 If anyone needs a lawyer that is just doing their work and only representing the client in front of the court and do not have any passion for the work or we can say love for the work so this type of lawyer cannot work to their utmost capacity here the client needs to look for an attorney who will pay attention to the client story and take full interest in the client and client’s case.

 The best lawyer is that lawyer who fights for the client’s case whatsoever the situation is.


  • All experienced lawyers are not the same

 If you find out the best criminal defense lawyer who spent years of experience in the courtroom but not specialized against the charges of the client then experience is of no use so specialization in the charges is a must.


  • Confidence is must


If a lawyer is himself a confident and competent Person so the client will win half battle at the starting of the case.

Even if the lawyer is unknown to some facts then confidence will play a significant role. Do not choose a lawyer who is having overconfidence about his work and makes false promises to the client.


  • Check opinions of the people about the lawyers

If a lawyer has a great reputation in the market so people will know him by work, ask Aaj friends and families to recommend a good criminal defense lawyer to handle the case and will win the lawsuit.


  • Budget


Check out the budget policy of the criminal defense lawyer whether he is charging suitable fees from the client or the lawyer charging a very handsome amount in the name of fees structure. The lawyer should not charge for petty things like the xerox copy scanning and other mouth fresheners.


  • The lawyer should work professionally


The criminal defense attorneys Los Angeles should understand clients in a good manner and speak client-friendly language. The lawyer should not speak in a very professional language as the terms which are used in the professional life are different from the terms which are used by the common people so so the difference criminal lawyer should not speak such a language or terms in front of the client and they should speak early using the terms that the client will understand.


One should understand that in this criminal defense case the charger should be understood by the lawyer very carefully so that he can make solutions accordingly if he is not understanding the chargers carefully so there may be the possibility of losing the case in the courtroom.


  • The lawyer must provide possible outcomes


Every coin has two sides as a lawyer can have two faces one that he should not disclose all the possible possibilities regarding the charges and talking to the client only the client wants to hear and ignore all the unusual circumstances.


  • The lawyer who is having courtroom experience knowledge and capabilities


When the client is looking for a criminal defense lawyer then the client should be xxii very careful while selecting the lawyer need to be very much experienced specialized having knowledge related to the charges and known all the solutions regarding the charges.

The lawyer should be capable enough to compete with another opposing lawyer so that the case will b in favor of the client and resolve all the problems quickly.


So selecting a criminal defense lawyer is a very crucial and not so easy process so having a good lawyer on the client’s side means the expected outcomes will be in the client’s favor only. Therefore Consulting a criminal defense attorney in Los Angeles will work in favor of the client exclusively.



When you reach out to the right person who has an overall knowledge of the legal regulations then the case will become easy to handle. You must understand that a good DUI Lawyers Los Angeles will. make your life easy. I wish you all the luck that prevails!



7 Tips to Improve Due Diligence for Businesses



For every business deals or processes such as mergers and acquisitions (M&A), Intellectual Property (IP), or even investments, risks are involved. Whether your business is merging with another or you are acquiring a small business, the due diligence process is very important. Due diligence processes help you to find out background details about the transaction you are about to make. The right tips will help you improve your business’ legal, financial, and investment due diligence.

7 Tips to Improve Due Diligence for Businesses

These seven (7) tips will reshape how your business carries out due diligence during important deals;

Never assume all deals are the same

For effective due diligence, you should never assume that the due diligence process done for a deal would suffice for subsequent deals. Ensure to carry out the required legal or financial due diligence at every phase of the deal or investment.


Make due diligence towards reaching a business decision

The essence of carrying out the due diligence process, whether while you are trying to break into a market or while starting a new line of product is to finally make a decision. Channel your due diligence reports findings to make the most suitable decisions for your business.


Have experienced due diligence deal team

Due diligence often requires having a team of experts in particular fields to analyze whatever business decisions you intend to make. With their highly revered skills such as in Human Resources, Taxation, and Accounting, these specialists’ due diligence team will guide your business to make decisions that will be favorable for your deals and investments.


Give enough time for the due diligence team

By allowing your team of due diligence specialists to start early, they will have more than enough time for background analysis and other evaluations. The more the number of deals, the more time is required for the deal team to carry out due diligence.


Make use of electronic data room

Widely known for their security and proper file assemblage, virtual data rooms (VDRs) are effective tools for businesses to improve due diligence processes. By using a data room, you will be able to preserve relevant information about deals and transactions in the data room and all parties involved can access it.


Treat every aspect of the due diligence as vital

Most businesses often focus more on financial due diligence that they neglect other important technicalities. As much as business sales must be well evaluated, other necessary due diligence relating to technology should be evaluated as well.


Communicate clearly with your deal team

Effective communication aids better due diligence for businesses. Before starting a deal, ensure to get your deal team on board with clear-cut objectives and targets of the business deals.



The success of any business deal or process depends on the due diligence among other factors. These outlined tips will help your business improve how it goes about due diligence evaluation and analysis. More so, it will ensure a much better and smoother due diligence process and valuation.

Author’s Bio: Lori Wade is a content writer for who is interested in a wide range of spheres from business to entrepreneurship and new technologies. If you are interested in M&A or virtual data room industry, you can find her on Twitter & LinkedIn or find her on other social media. Read and take over Lori’s useful insights!  

Should You Try to Get Your Criminal Record Expunged?


Should You Try to Get Your Criminal Record Expunged?

While everyone makes mistakes, there are times when those mistakes lead to being arrested. When this happens, particularly to a young person, one mistake made early in life can haunt them forever in terms of attending college, getting a job, buying a house, and other important life events. To keep this from happening, it is sometimes best to try having your criminal record expunged, meaning any convictions will be erased. Criminal record expungement is, however, only something possible with certain types of convictions. If you are considering this option, here are some indications that a criminal record expungement might be helpful to you in your situation.

If You Want To Erase The Stigma

While it may seem like a petty thing to be concerned about, the truth is that criminal records carry a stigma, even if the crime was minor or far in the past. Even if you made a mistake years ago, having a criminal record will carry with it a stigma that others will find hard to ignore. Whether applying for a job, loan, or to college, a criminal record will always have you trying to explain what happened and why you are now a better person. There are some employers who won’t consider job applicants with criminal records, and it can impact your ability to get approved for certain financial benefits and contracts in some states.

If You Were Arrested but not Charged

Another reason to get your record expunged is if it simply indicates an arrest, not a formal charge. If you were arrested by police but were eventually released and never charged with a crime, you should consider criminal record expungement. Otherwise, most people will simply see that you were arrested and care little whether or not charges were actually filed against you. This is often because employers and others don’t realize the difference between arrest and formal criminal charges.

If Your Name Appears by Mistake

In some situations where an arrest has been made, a person’s name may appear on a criminal record by mistake. Should this happen to you, it will undoubtedly keep you from living the life you wish. Rather than let a simple clerical error cost you jobs, a home, loans, or a higher education, work with a lawyer to erase this mistake.

If You Were Acquitted

Even if you were arrested, charged with a crime, and later acquitted by a judge or jury, the fact that you still have a criminal record could be damaging to your life in so many ways. Although legally you were found innocent in the eyes of the court, the court of public opinion may feel otherwise about you once others discover your criminal record.


Since not all criminal records are eligible for expungement, such as those where a person has a guilty conviction, it is important to discuss your situation with an expungement lawyer. By doing so, you can learn whether or not your record is eligible for this process, how much it will cost, and what will be involved in helping rid yourself of the stigma associated with having a criminal record.


Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She recommends looking into criminal record expungement. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at or Twitter @BrookeChaplan

Want to access the global talent market? Apply for a Sponsor License.


Domestic skill shortages have been felt lately which has encouraged employers in Britain to look for the Global Talent market to meet their recruitment needs. However, employing a skilled non-EEA worker involves a number of challenges which include applying for a sponsor license. With a high refusal rate, employers struggle to get the application process right.

The Concept of Sponsor License

A sponsor license is a permission granted by the Home Office to an employer (UK based organization) to employ skilled Non-EEA workers under the Tier 2 visa route. Employers must make a Sponsor License application to UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) to evidence their eligibility and that they meet the requirements for the sponsors. The applicant must provide evidence that the organisation is operating lawfully in the UK with effective HR and recruitment systems. Also, need to provide supportive documents to prove that genuine employment is offered that meets the Tier 2 skill level. The organisation has also appointed key personnel who are dependable and honest.

Points to Consider Before Applying for a Sponsor License

  • The applicant needs to check if the business is eligible for the Tier 2 employer sponsor license.
  • The applicant must ascertain the type of workers needed by the business.
  • The applicant needs to consider the two options available for tier 2 certificate of sponsorship-the restricted (CoS) and the unrestricted Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS).
  • The applicant also needs to decide the Sponsorship Management System (SMS).

Appointing Key Personnel

A tier 2 employer sponsor license holder must nominate individuals within the organisation to manage the immigration relation functions.

  • Authorising Officer: A senior and competent person who will be responsible for the activities related to the Sponsorship Management System (SMS).
  • Key Contact: The organisation’s main point of contact with UKVI
  • Level 1 user: Level 1 is responsible for day-to-day sponsorship activities using the SMS

Please note that these nominated individuals are subject to a background check by UKVI.

Compile Your Application & Supporting Documentation

The application of sponsor licence consists of 4 parts surrounding business information, the justification for applying for Tier 2 Sponsor license, supporting documents, and the nomination of key personnel. Typically, the business needs to inform about the location, the total number of workers, and information in regard to registration with HMRC. There are other mandatory documents that depend on the nature of the business but generally, a prospective tier 2 employer sponsor license is expected to provide documents that would already be in their possession in the ordinary course of business. For instance, bank statements, tenancy agreement or commercial property, VAT Certificate, Unaudited Account, etc.

These supporting documents must be sent within five days of the initial application. Failure to submit required documents may result in rejection of your application. Hence, the applicant of tier 2 employer sponsor license must be ready with all the necessary evidence and documentation by the time of making an application.

Prepare for a UKVI Inspection

The main objective of UKVI inspection is to examine if the organization has adequate HR systems in place in order to meet sponsor guidance tier 2 and also to assess whether or not to grant the license. An audit of HR operation is the key consideration that can undoubtedly impact license application.

Resident Labour Market Test

The Resident Labour Market Test primarily involves the prospective employer to ensure that the role has been advertised for atleast 28 days in two advertising portals. It requires the employer to certify that the opportunity was already offered to British Citizens, UK based EEA residents, and settled migrants before accessing the global market. However, there are certain circumstances where it is not necessary to undertake Resident Labour Market Test such as the position already appeared on the Home Office’s Shortage Occupation List, salary package exceeds £155,300 or above, and Ph.D. level role.

How Does an Immigration Firm Help With Tier 2 Employer Sponsor License?

An experienced immigration firm helps to streamline a full employer sponsor license application right from conducting an initial assessment to training staff on compliance duties and responsibilities. Still unsure about the Tier 2 employer sponsor license? Look no further than A Y & J which provides advice on all immigration matters and applications.











What To Do When You Receive a Letter from the IRS


Guest Contributor- Mary King- Tax Attorney

While we are all hopefully informed that any phone that claims to be from the IRS is, in all probability, in fact, a scam, couldn’t the same be said about any letter that a taxpayer may end up receiving.

Each year, the IRS sends out millions of letters, and many of them need not be the target of fear. The news in the letter may well be good or bad. If there is bad news about the letter, don’t stress. You can seek support here.   

Why am I getting this letter?

Of course, when you receive an IRS letter your first fear is possible that you are being audited. And mail actually is how the IRS would try to contact you if you were audited.

But an IRS letter isn’t always a warning you are being audited. It could also be asking for more information.

Other probable reasons include:

  • Your payment will be different from what you thought initially
  • The IRS has questions concerning your tax return
  • It wants to send you more information about your taxes
  • It wants your identity checked
  • Changes or adjustments to your tax return
  • Your refund will be adjourned

What am I supposed to do with that IRS letter?

1. Don’t Panic

The IRS and its independently authorized collection companies do send letters by fax. Much of the time what the taxpayer has to do is thoroughly read the message and take the necessary action. You will typically handle a note by merely referring to it. The majority of IRS reports include individual tax refunds or tax records.

There are different guidelines for every document, please read the note carefully as it will inform you what you need to do. Your note would presumably include improvements to your record, taxes that you owe, or a request for payment. Your note might, therefore, ask you for more detail on a specific topic.

2. Verify that the letter is not a scam

The very first important step is to ensure you are not scammed. Fraudsters trying to pose as the IRS scares people and can cause them to send sensitive data without taking into account the consequences. That’s the last thing you wish to do.

Whether the sound is hostile or if it employs intimidation tactics like threatening you with detention or seeking compensation without allowing you the chance to complain or raise questions, the email is a fraud. IRS letters are logical, not dramatic in speech. This is also a fraud letter as it asks you by mail or over the phone for detailed payment details. This is a sign of a fraudster trying to get information about a payment card. The IRS almost rarely talks by email, e-mail, or social media. By these approaches, correspondence is still a fraud.

3. Take action in a timely manner

When you have read the letter thoroughly, it is time you take action. You may need to provide a clear date to respond to the message. Make sure to escape any fines and retain the right to appeal by meeting with the deadline. Unless the letter does not specifically seek a reply, then no answer is needed. Make sure to:

Follow some guidance in your letter

  • If you owe capital, then pay for it. 
  • If you cannot afford it, you can apply for a Compromise or Online Payment Policy Request
  • Hold a copy of the approval letter
  • Should you have any concerns, please do email the IRS. In the top right corner of the document, you will consider the telephone number of the department


4. Don’t procrastinate on responding

The problem is often an easy one to solve. So the longer you take to respond, the more interest payments you can face and penalty fees, based on what the problem is.

Don’t wait for the IRS letter to take action as ordered. The quicker you deal with it, the better you are going to be able to put the matter behind you.

5. Avoid future IRS letters

The easiest way to stop unfavorable IRS notices is to file the tax returns on time, correctly. The most frequent explanation for an IRS letter is an omission in your tax report. Upon filing, a thorough analysis of the tax returns will reduce the chance of this.

Got a letter from the IRS? Speak to an experienced IRS attorney Florida

Whether you have got an IRS letter and you have concerns about it, please talk to a professional tax solicitor. They will help you make the letter effective, decide the next steps to be taken, and coordinate with the IRS if appropriate.

If you have concerns or are not entirely sure how to satisfy the demands of the IRS effectively, then consulting with a tax professional can be appropriate. The IRS attorney in Florida will help you with IRS investigations, international registration problems, and a variety of IRS tax concerns.