How do you fight a domestic violence charge ?


How do you fight a domestic violence charge ?

My husband has been arrested and charged with domestic violence. He is being accused of choking my oldest daughter. She has recently been getting into alot of trouble with lying to the police, running away and stealing. We were about to send her away for help and now comes this accusation. She never told me personally of this incident and i have major doubts. Where do we start with his defense?

Justin’s Answer

You start by hiring a lawyer. No lawyer can condense years of training and experience into a few sentences for you to read. More importantly, if you try to help on the case you will be guilty of practicing law without a license.

How does my ex get out a false statement charge?


How does my ex get out a false statement charge?

My ex went through a rough time with her husband and needed a place to stay. I let her stay with me. She has a drinking problem and calls the police a lot. One night she she called stating I had hit her. She called multiple times and on the last visit from the police she said I didn’t actually hit her and she was arrested. Can I help her or is she in trouble?

Justin’s Answer

If the police or prosecutor contact you, you can request that they not press charges, otherwise, it is out of your hands. You do not get to decide whether charges proceed.

Me ex has an ex parte on me claiming she is terrified of me. We share on the title a minivan that she came to my home and took.


Me ex has an ex parte on me claiming she is terrified of me. We share on the title a minivan that she came to my home and took.

Can she violate her own ex parte and come to home to take the vehicle while I’m sleeping? Can I petition to have the ex parte dropped since clearly I’m not a threat to her? The claims she made on the ex parte had no evidence backing them more did I ever hurt her. Why should I have an ex parte on my record that allows her to come to my home?

Justin’s Answer

She does not have an ex parte; YOU do. So there is nothing for her to violate. You must appear in court to fight the ex parte. I suggest hiring a lawyer to go with you.

Should I get a license in another state before my home state revokes my license for 10 years and I can’t get a hardship license?


Should I get a license in another state before my home state revokes my license for 10 years and I can’t get a hardship license?

Adult at what age in Missouri


Adult at what age in Missouri

Having an debate with my childs other parent on whether or not they’re considered a legal adult at 17 or 18 in Missouri. Could someone help us solve it?

Justin’s Answer

Depends on what you mean. If someone commits a crime, the age of adulthood is 17.

I need an ID to go to the dr. And I have a warrantfor absconding for probation violation on a controlled substance


I need an ID to go to the dr. And I have a warrantfor absconding for probation violation on a controlled substance

I was illegally searched in Charlotte county Florida and I’m on mental disability. I need to get an ID so I can get to the dr. Will I get arrested if I go to license branch to get ID? I’m trying to get this taken care of but my public defender is supposed to talk to the judge, the judge was on my side he knew the plea wasn’t going to work so he said have ur lawyer talk to me when mlm u get back and we will rearrange the plea where it will work for u but he won’t do it. I need help please


Justin’s Answer

If you go to update your ID, they may see the warrant. You should talk to your public defender about getting the warrant lifted.

How do I get out of jail time for ex wife asalet on her


How do I get out of jail time for ex wife asalet on her

Me and my wife got into a fight it got out of hand I choked her

Justin’s Answer

This question is too specific for a public post. Stop posting information about your case and contact a local criminal defense attorney.

What does it mean when on case net it says commitment after jail sentence return-served?


What does it mean when on case net it says commitment after jail sentence return-served?

My husband was charged with possession. They ordered drug court but since he didnt qualify and after sitting time in jail he plead guilty to 5 years probation with 7 year backup. We looked on casenet Nd on 7/03 it says commitment after jail sentence return- served so we wanted to know if it’s a warrant or what

Justin’s Answer

This question is too specific to answer in a public post. You need to contact an attorney to go over the details.

Are public defenders reliable when fighting a fed case? What are the pros and cons to then?


I am currently fighting a federal case with 9 counts and was appointed a public defender because at the time I couldn’t afford a private lawyer. It is a serious offense and seems like it could carry alot of time if convicted. Is it best to try and get my own defense lawyer or can a public defender get the same results?
This is my first offense

Justin’s Answer

It defends on the public defender. In my experience, public defenders typically have much more trial experience than private attorneys, simply because their practice is focused there. The local office here in Jackson County are among the best in the state and have recently had a lot of success against the prosecutor’s office.

That said, they are generally over-worked and have much less time to focus on an individual case. If you are worried about this, many private attorneys offer payment plans and free consultations.