What do if I have a DWI Probation Violation?



What do if I have a DWI Probation Violation?

Probation (Driving while intoxicated) is a court order period of supervision for offenders that judge grants in lieu of serving time in jail, which is up to 180 days for a first-time DWI conviction. Your probation officer and the court have discretion after a probation violation, from a warning to revoking probation and sending you to jail. Here are some sufficient steps for What do if I have a DWI Probation Violation?

Understanding DWI Probation in Kansas City

In Kansas City, DWI probation typically includes several conditions:

  • Regular meetings with a probation
  • Attending and completing alcohol education or treatment
  • Paying fines and court
  • Abstaining from alcohol and drug
  • Submitting to random drug and alcohol
  • Complying with any curfews or travel
  • Installing an ignition interlock device on your

These terms and conditions can have serious penalties as revocation of probation.

Steps to Take If You Violate Probation

1. Understand the Violation:

  • Determine precisely what term of your probation you are alleged to have
  • That could be ringed from failing a drug test to missing a meeting with your probation

2. Contact Your Probation Officer:

  • It’s crucial to be proactive. Contact your probation officer immediately to discuss the violation. Open communication can sometimes prevent the situation from

3. Seek a legal council:

  • Hire a criminal defense attorney who specializes in DWI cases. Legal demonstration is important to the complications of the probation violation process and to advocate on your

4. Make for a Court Hearing

  • If you are suspect of violating your probation, you will have to appear in court. Your solicitor will help you to prepare your defense and collect evidence. That could include demonstrating that the violation was unconsciously or that you have made efforts to obey probation terms and conditions since the

5. Demonstrate Compliance and Remediation:

  • Showing the court that you are taking steps to comply with your probation terms can be beneficial. This could include attending additional treatment programs, giving proof of employment, or showing results from recent drug

Possible Penalties of a Probation Violation

In Kansas City, the penalties of a DWI probation violation as:

  • Extension of the probation
  • Additional fines and
  • Mandatory attendance in more intensive treatment
  • Increased frequency of drug and alcohol
  • House arrest or electronic
  • Revocation of probation and imposition of the original jail

Federal Perspective on Probation Violations

Each state, including Missouri (where Kansas City is located), has its specific laws, terms and conditions the federal perspective on probation violations generally aligns with these principles:

  • Probation is a privilege, not a right, and any violation is taken
  • Violators are entitled to a hearing where they can present their
  • Consequences are determined based on the nature of the violation, the individual’s criminal history, and the risk they pose to the


If you have a DWI probation violation in Kansas City, active and immediate steps are important. Contacting your probation officer, seeking legal counsel, and preparing yourself for a court hearing are essential actions to alleviate the potential results. Compliance and remediation efforts can have a positive influence on the outcome. Always recall, the legal process with a knowledgeable attorney by your side can make a important difference in managing a probation violation case.

Data Security in Therapy: Keeping Client Information Safe in the Digital Age – Guest Post


Confidentiality forms the foundation of the therapist-client relationship. As mental health services increasingly embrace digital technologies, safeguarding sensitive client data has become both a legal obligation and an ethical imperative.

In today’s era of escalating cyber threats, a single data breach can shatter hard-earned trust and disrupt the therapeutic process. This comprehensive guide explores the multifaceted challenges of data security faced by therapy practitioners.

The Sanctity of the Therapist-Client Relationship

Privacy and confidentiality are the bedrock of the therapist-client relationship, enabling the open and honest communication essential for effective therapy. The oath of Hippocrates, the foundational ethical guide for medical professionals, emphasizes the sacred duty of safeguarding patient confidentiality.

In the digital era where sensitive personal information is increasingly stored and shared electronically via EHR systems and practice management software, upholding this principle is critical yet challenging for mental health practitioners. A data breach compromising confidential client records can shatter hard-earned trust, impede therapeutic progress, and potentially cause immense psychological harm.

A Growing Danger: Current Threats to Therapy Data

Unfortunately, real-world data breach incidents in the therapy domain are on the rise. In December 2022, SalusCare, a prominent behavioral healthcare provider in Florida, experienced a devastating cyberattack resulting in the theft of patient records containing highly sensitive mental health treatment data.

Data Security

Strengthening Digital Defenses: Best Practices

Robust cybersecurity is now a necessity, not an option, to protect client data integrity. Data encryption using strong algorithms like AES with 256-bit key lengths as recommended by HIPAA compliance standards is the foundational layer. However, a multi-pronged approach is required:

  • Secure Electronic Health Records (EHRs): Deploying EHR solution with comprehensive security features like access controls, audit trails to monitor activity, and encrypted data transmission protocols when sharing records.
  • Encrypted Communication Channels: Using end-to-end encrypted platforms and apps approved for HIPAA compliance like Signal, Spruce, and Cyphr for video sessions, messaging, and file transfers between therapists and clients.
  • Secure Data Storage and Backup: Utilizing encrypted cloud storage services that meet regulatory requirements for healthcare practice management software, or on-premises storage solutions with robust access controls and redundant encrypted backups, helps prevent data loss.
  • Network Security: Implementing firewalls, intrusion detection/prevention systems, VPNs for remote access, and routine vulnerability scanning to protect the practice’s IT infrastructure hosting EHR and therapy management solutions.

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape

Compliance with data privacy and security regulations is not just a best practice but a legal obligation. The HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules set forth by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services establish national standards for safeguarding protected health information (PHI) encompassing medical and mental health records in EHR software and practice EHR systems.

Therapy practices, as covered entities, must adhere to HIPAA’s stringent requirements, including designating data privacy personnel, conducting risk assessments, maintaining audit logs, and implementing appropriate administrative, physical, and technical safeguards.

While HIPAA forms the federal baseline, some states like California, Massachusetts and Texas have enacted more stringent data protection laws that practices must additionally comply with if operating in those jurisdictions.

For therapists serving clients internationally, understanding data privacy regimes like the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that govern cross-border transfer and handling of personal data is imperative.

Fostering a Culture of Security Awareness

Even the strongest technological defenses can falter due to human error or lack of vigilance. A recent report reveals that a staggering 82% of data breaches involve human error. Therefore, it is vital to cultivate an organization-wide culture of security awareness through comprehensive training and ongoing education for staff handling EHR data and practice management tools.

It is crucial that all staff, from therapists to administrators, who interact with client data understand data handling protocols, recognize cybersecurity best practices such as identifying phishing attempts and managing passwords securely, and are aware of the serious consequences of negligence. Appointing a designated data privacy officer and conducting annual risk assessments can help identify vulnerabilities.

Crucially, open communication channels must foster an environment where employees feel empowered to report potential lapses or concerns without fear of reprisal. Prompt policy updates and simulated breach response drills should reinforce a security-first mindset throughout the organization’s EHR and practice management operations.

Technological Allies: Tools for Enhancing Data Security

While unwavering human diligence forms the frontline, intelligent deployment of specialized security tools and solutions can significantly bolster a practice’s cyber defenses for EHR platforms and therapy management systems:

  • Automated Threat Detection: Leveraging artificial intelligence and machine learning models trained to detect anomalous patterns indicative of cyber threats like malware injection or unauthorized data exfiltration from EHR databases.
  • Secure Communication Platforms: Embracing secure, encrypted platforms purposely designed for HIPAA-compliant communication between providers and patients. Leading examples include Signal for encrypted messaging and video calls, Cyphr for secure messaging and file sharing, and Spruce for HIPAA-compliant video conferencing to safeguard virtual therapy sessions.
  • Identity and Access Management (IAM): Enterprise-grade IAM solutions, such as Okta, Ping Identity, and Microsoft Azure Active Directory, implement robust access controls and authentication protocols, including single sign-on and multi-factor authentication, to protect sensitive EHR systems and practice management portals.

The Road Ahead: Future Directions in Data Security

As digital technologies continually reshape mental healthcare delivery models through EHR solutions and practice management tools, data security strategies must also evolve and innovate. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the widespread adoption of telehealth and virtual therapy sessions, which are hosted on secure video platforms. However, this rapid transition has also expanded the cyber threat landscape as more client data traverses the internet.

On the cutting edge, decentralized technologies like blockchain hold immense potential for securely storing and sharing sensitive healthcare data from EHR systems without centralized vulnerabilities. However, advances in quantum computing pose an existential risk to current encryption standards that protect records. The use of genomic data for personalized therapies introduces new frontiers in data privacy challenges for EHR software developers.

Ongoing research by academia and industry, alongside interdisciplinary collaboration between clinicians, technologists, and regulatory bodies, will shape future data security paradigms for the mental health sector. Developing EHR platforms and therapy management tools with security in mind, while empowering clients as stakeholders in data governance, will be crucial for staying ahead of ever-evolving cyber threats.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. How can small therapy practices afford robust data security measures?

Prioritizing data security is crucial for practices of all sizes. Free and low-cost solutions like open-source encryption tools, secure messaging apps, and cloud storage services can provide a solid foundation. Additionally, investing in staff training and fostering a culture of security awareness can yield significant returns in terms of risk mitigation.

2. What immediate steps should a therapist take if they suspect a data breach?

In the event of a suspected data breach, immediate action is crucial. First, secure and isolate any compromised systems to prevent further damage. Next, consult legal counsel to understand your obligations under HIPAA and state laws. Finally, promptly notify affected clients and relevant authorities, while also implementing measures to mitigate the impact and prevent future occurrences.

3. How often should data security protocols be updated in a therapy practice?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as the frequency of security updates depends on various factors, including the practice’s size, technological infrastructure, and evolving cyber threats. As a general guideline, conducting comprehensive security assessments and policy reviews at least annually is recommended. Additionally, protocols should be updated promptly in response to any major security incidents, regulatory changes, or the adoption of new technologies.

Prioritizing Client Trust

In the digital age, safeguarding client data is not just a legal obligation, but a moral imperative for mental health professionals. By embracing best practices, leveraging technological solutions, and fostering a culture of security awareness, therapy practices can fortify their defenses against cyber threats and maintain the sacred trust of their clients.

Prioritize data security today to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of your client relationships for years to come.

What to Do if You Have a Warrant in Kansas City



The warrant issued against you can be stressful for you, but it is essential to stay calm and take the essential steps to understand it. To keep understanding the process and your rights under both local and federal laws is essential whether you’re a resident of Kansas City, Missouri. Here’s a comprehensive guide on what you will do if you have a warrant in Kansas City, adhering strictly to the instructions provided:

1. Keep Yourself Informed:

  • Types of Warrants: In Kansas City, Missouri, warrants can be issued for several causes, including disappointment to appear in court, suspicion of involvement in a crime and unpaid fines.
  • Verify the Warrant: If you suspect there’s a warrant out for your arrest, you can contact the Kansas City Police Department or check online databases, though it’s advisable to consult legal counsel before taking any further steps.

2. Understand Your Rights:

  • Right to Legal Representation: If you’re facing criminal charges or have a warrant issued against you. You have right to consult an attorney.
  • Fifth Amendment Rights: Remember that you have the right to stay silent, and anything you say can be used in contradiction of you in court.

3. Take Prompt Action:

  • Contact an Attorney: It’s highly suggested to seek legal advice as soon as possible through contact an attorney.
  • Arrange for Surrender: If you discover there’s a warrant out for your arrest, coordinating with your attorney to arrange a volunteer capitulate can establish your willingness to cooperate with the experts.

4. Appear in Court:

  • Attend Arranged Hearings: If you’ve been summoned to appear in court, failing to do so can lead to further legal penalties. Make sure to join all court dates as obligatory.
  • Present Your Case: Work with your attorney to present your case efficiently in court. Whether it’s discussing a appeal deal or fighting the charges, having legal picture can meaningfully influence the result.

5. Obey With Court Orders:

  • Follow Court Instructions: If the court imposes any conditions, such as attending counseling or completing community service, make sure to obey with them diligently.
  • Keep yourself updated: Keep yourself updated on the rank of your case and any additional legal proceedings. Your attorney can help you navigate the difficulties of the legal system and provide direction at each step.

6. Address the Root Reason:

  • Address Outstanding Issues: If the warrant was issued due to unpaid fines or other administrative reasons, take steps to resolve these issues. This may involve giving fines, attendance hearings, or satisfying other obligations specified by the court.
  • Avoid Further Violations: Once you’ve addressed the warrant, ensure that you obey with all legal necessities to prevent any future issues with law implementation.

7. Know Your Federal Rights:

  • Extradition: If you’re facing charges in Kansas City, Missouri, but are situated in an additional state. Be aware of your rights concerning extradition. Check with your attorney to understand potential legal proceedings involved and the consequences.
  • Federal Jurisdiction: Certain offenses may fall under federal jurisdiction, requiring obedience with federal laws and events. It’s important to comprehend the differences between state and federal law implementation agencies and their individual jurisdictions.

8. Seek Support:

  • Emotional Support: Dealing with legal issues can be hectic. Don’t hesitate to seek emotional support from family, support groups and friends, to help you in this challenging time.
  • Community Resources: Explore available community resources. Such as legal aid clinics or support administrations, that may offer free of charge guidance, help.


In conclusion, what you will do if you have a warrant in Kansas city, Missouri? It’s important to take active steps to address the situation in accordance with both local laws and federal rules. Seeking legal advice, understanding your rights, and obeying with court orders are necessary aspects of resolving the matter successfully. By standing informed and taking quick action and by following the legal process with greater confidence and ensuring the best possible outcomes for your case.

Protecting Your Rights: Why Hire a Deportation Defense Attorney in St. Louis – Guest Post


Defense Attorney

Facing deportation is a daunting and stressful experience. It can disrupt your life, separate you from your loved ones, and put your future at risk.

Deportation, also known as removal, is the legal process by which a foreign national is forced to leave a country. Once deportation proceedings begin, it is best to seek the expertise of a skilled St Louis deportation defense attorney.

A deportation defense attorney specializes in immigration law to fight against deportation. They are equipped with the knowledge and seek relief to keep you in the United States.


  • Common Reasons for Deportation and the Potential Consequences
  • How a Deportation Defense Attorney Can Help You
  • Steps to Take When Facing Deportation Proceedings
  • Final Thoughts

Common Reasons for Deportation and the Potential Consequences

Deportation can occur for various reasons. So, understanding the common grounds for removal is essential in safeguarding your status in the United States.

Some common reasons for deportation include:

  • Visa violations. If you overstay your visa, violate the terms of your visa, or engage in unauthorized employment, you may face deportation proceedings.
  • Criminal convictions. Certain criminal offenses, including drug offenses, domestic violence, and aggravated felonies, can lead to deportation. Even minor crimes can have severe immigration consequences.
  • Immigration fraud. This includes providing false information or engaging in fraudulent activities to obtain a visa or green card.
  • Public charges. If you become dependent on public assistance or are deemed a public charge within the first five years, you may be subject to deportation.

The consequences of deportation can be severe. Apart from being forced to leave the country, individuals deportation may face a range of more consequences from customs enforcement, including:

  • Bar from reentry. A deportation order can result in a bar from reentering the United States for a certain period of time. This ranges from three to ten years or even a lifetime ban.
  • Separation from family. Deportation can tear families apart, separating spouses, parents, and children.
  • Loss of employment and education. Deportation can disrupt your career and educational pursuits. This leads to a loss of opportunities.

It’s best to consult with a St. Louis immigration law firm as soon as possible if you are facing any of these situations. They can assess your case, inform you of the potential consequences, and work towards securing a favorable outcome.

How a Deportation Defense Attorney Can Help You

If you or a loved one is facing the deportation process, taking immediate action is important. Here’s how a deportation defense attorney in St. Louis can help you :

First, they ensure that all necessary paperwork and documentation are prepared and submitted on time. They will ensure that your application for relief is complete. Plus, it meets all the requirements set forth by immigration authorities.

Furthermore, immigration attorneys will represent you during court hearings and advocate for your rights. They will prepare you for testimony, cross-examine witnesses, and present evidence in support of your defense.

A deportation defense law office is also familiar with the local immigration court system. This knowledge allows them to apply their approach to each individual case.

Throughout the process, your attorney will communicate with immigration authorities on your behalf. They always make sure that your interests are protected at every stage of the immigration process.

Steps to Take When Facing Deportation Proceedings

Here are steps to consider:

  • Seek legal representation. Contact an experienced immigration attorney in St. Louis as soon as possible. They will help build a strong defense strategy.
  • Gather supporting documents. Collect all relevant and necessary documents, such as birth certificates and marriage certificates. These documents can help demonstrate your ties to the United States and support your case.
  • Maintain a clean record. Avoid any further criminal activity or legal issues. A clean record can strengthen your case and demonstrate your commitment to living lawfully.
  • Attend all court hearings. It is best to attend all scheduled court hearings and follow any instructions or requirements from the immigration judge. Failure to do so can result in an unfavorable outcome.
  • Stay informed. Stay updated on changes in immigration laws that may impact your case. Your immigration lawyers will keep you informed, but it’s essential to be proactive in understanding the process.

Remember, in every deportation case, specific steps may depend on the circumstances. So, getting an experienced criminal defense attorney is ideal.

If you’re unsure how to find one, here are some key qualities to consider:

  • First, look for an immigration lawyer who has extensive experience in deportation defense cases.
  • Next, ensure that the family immigration attorney you choose is up-to-date with the latest changes and developments.
  • Third, your attorney should be able to explain the legal proceedings in the immigration system clearly.
  • Last, if English is not your first language, it may be beneficial to find an attorney who is fluent in your native language.

Final Thoughts

Facing deportation is a challenging experience. But you don’t have to face it alone.

Hiring a skilled St. Louis deportation defense attorney can help you fight for your future.

Remember to choose an attorney with the necessary experience and the best immigration services. Don’t risk your future by facing deportation without proper legal representation.

Domestic Violence Laws in Kansas City


Domestic violence charges can be extremely serious, loud severe penalties that encompass outside the courtroom. If you find yourself opposite such custodies in Kansas City, it’s necessary to realize your rights, the legal process, and the steps you should take to protect yourself. There has given complete guide to help you through this challenging situation.

Domestic Violence Laws in Kansas City

Domestic violence is defined as any criminal act that committed against to a family member according to the Kansas law. This includes husband wives, dating partners, persons who share a child, and the people who live together. Acts that belongs to domestic violence is consist of a number of crimes such as assault, battery, harassment, stalking, and sexual assault.

Immediate Steps to Take

It’s essential to take certain immediate steps to protect your rights if you’ve been charged with domestic violence

  1. Seek Legal Representation: As soon as possible contact an knowledgeable criminal defense attorney concentrating in domestic violence cases The essential guidance will be provided through the legal method and work to protect your rights and welfares.
  2. Avoid Contact: If a restrictive or protecting order is issued against you, observe to its terms strictly. Violating such orders can lead to additional criminal charges and may negatively impact your case.
  3. Document Everything: Keep complete records of all communications, events, and connections related to the alleged offense. This contains text messages, emails, voicemails, and any physical evidence that may support your protection.
  4. Exercise Caution on Social Media: Refrain from discussing the case or sharing any possibly implicating information on social media stages. Prosecutors often scour social media for evidence, and whatever you post can be used beside you in court.

 Legal Process and Defense Policies

The legal procedure for domestic violence cases typically involves several stages, including charge, pretrial hearings, plea talks, and possibly a trial. Through this process, your attorney will work carefully to build a strong defense on your behalf. Common defense policies in domestic violence cases may include:

  1. False Allegations: If you believe you’ve been accused falsely, your attorney will work to gather witness and indication testament to disprove the allegations that are against to you.
  2. Self-Defense: you may contend that you acted in self-defense to protect yourself from imminent harm where physical argument happened,
  3. Lack of Evidence: Your attorney may contest the trial’s evidence, witness trustworthiness, or the validity of police processes to deteriorate their case against you.
  4. Mitigating Circumstances: If you have a history of abuse or if the unproven offense happened under duress or extreme conditions, your attorney may contend for clemency or alternate condemning choices.
  5. Collaborating with Legal Professionals: Through the legal process, maintaining open communication and collaboration with your attorney is supreme. Be truthful and approaching about all details nearby the case, as this will allow your lawyer to plan the most operative defense strategy tailor-made to your situation.


Facing domestic violence charges in Kansas City can be a intimidating and difficult experience. However, with the right legal demonstration, strategic defense, and devotion to legal rules and strategies, you can direct through this challenging condition. By captivating practical, active steps and supporting for your rights, you can successfully address the charges against you and change forward with your life.

Can I go to request time with the judge to request for a failure to appear warrant to be lifted myself if I dont have a lawyer??



Question: Can I go to request time with the judge to request for a failure to appear warrant to be lifted myself if I dont have a lawyer??

I missed a court date and I was reading on some attorney website that an attorney is able to show up to the next available court date for that circuit request time with the judge and ask for the warrant to be lifted but I cannot afford an attorney so I would like to know if I am able to do this myself?? I know that you guys answered for somebody else saying that when you miss a court date you do not want to ignore it that you must take care of the problem so what can I do to avoid having to get arrested on a failure to appear warrant now that I have already missed the court date??



In theory you are able to do this, but it can be risky. If the judge included a bond with the warrant, you can pay the bond or hire a bondsman to pay it for you. Some courts also have amnesty days where you can surrender and have the bond lifted. Otherwise, you will have to take the chance and either surrender and wait for court or show up on a court date and ask to be added to the docket. Keep in mind, not every court will do this; they might just arrest you and hold you in jail. Also keep in mind, in Missouri, if the charge has a victim, the judge cannot change the bond unless the victim has received proper notice.


Justin C. Hunt

Expungement Attorney in North Kansas City, MO

Charged or not? No paperwork, court date was same day of release?



Question: Charged or not? No paperwork, court date was same day of release?

My partner and her sister got into an argument. My partner tried to deescalate, to walk away, and the sister blocked her path. At one point, the sister stole her keys so she couldn’t leave ans when my parter tried to reach for them, the sister shoved her.

My partner reacted and punched her shoulder. Sister called the cops. Lied and said she had been punched hard in the chest and that she had just been released from the hospital for lung surgery. (Wow)

My gf admitted to hitting her on the shoulder and she was arrested. The next morning she was released from jail without paperwork. She shows up on the “last 3 years of booking” for our county sherrif, but there is no case number, only a file number.

No mugshot.

According to the file, the court date was the same day she was let out of jail, but she wasn’t taken before a judge.

It’s been 6 months and we have heard nothing. What is going on? How do we figure this out?



There are a few possibilities: Either the prosecutor is still reviewing the file to decide to prosecute, the prosecutor decided not to prosecute, or she missed the court date and has a warrant for her arrest. You can try contacting the court to see if she has a charge/warrant.


Justin C. Hunt

Expungement Attorney in North Kansas City, MO

Can 1 person in a house be convicted in a house if drugs are found in a common are such as the garage



Question: Can 1 person in a house be convicted in a house if drugs are found in a common are such as the garage

Dude got arrested when door was kicked in and weed was found in garage



It is possible. If the person had access to the garage, they could be charged under what is charged constructive possession, meaning they had the knowledge and ability to possess the items even if it wasn’t actually in their hands at the time. However, the prosecutor would still have to prove that your friend did have that knowledge and ability. Your friend should contact a lawyer to try to resolve this and you both should avoid putting facts of the case online.


Justin C. Hunt

Expungement Attorney in North Kansas City, MO

I have a 1 degree Statutory rape and I was trying to get it removed or a lease drop drown so I can get the leg monitor of me.



Question: I have a 1 degree Statutory rape and I was trying to get it removed or a lease drop drown so I can get the leg monitor of me.

I got the case when I was 18



If this is a current case, you need to speak directly to a criminal defense attorney in your area. If this is an old case and you have to wear the monitor for probation/parole, you will need to speak to an appellate lawyer. This is much too complicated for internet Q&A.


Justin C. Hunt

Expungement Attorney in North Kansas City, MO

I want to drop all charges I have against My ex G/F ?


complaint withdrawn

Question: I want to drop all charges I have against My ex G/F ?

I have reported my truck stolen from my house and my ex G/F is the one who stole it.so I pressed charges on her.well the Butler County sheriff office located my truck later on that night.. 4 months later she finally got arrested ,.I decided to drop all charges against her when i went to the prosecutor.2 days after i did they suppenna me to court,.I dont want to testify and i want to drop charges,on her,.will i get into trouble if i dont show up to testify



Unfortunately, the prosecutor is the one that decides to press charges. You can tell them you do not wish to cooperate, but they can still force you to appear with a subpoena. If you ignore the subpoena, the court has options to force you to comply, including issuing a warrant and bringing you to court by force. Some courts take this step, some don’t. You would have to speak to a lawyer in your jurisdiction to learn how likely a judge would be to enforce the subpoena, but even then there is no guarantee. You could also fight the subpoena with a Motion to Quash, but this can be complicated.


Justin C. Hunt

Expungement Attorney in North Kansas City, MO