Discover How a Criminal Defense Lawyer Can Provide Valuable Counsel in the Quest for Justice – Guest Post


Valuable Counsel in the Quest for Justice

It may not seem like it, but many people prefer not to contact a criminal defense lawyer after experiencing a legal problem, such as having an accident. While hiring a defense lawyer may seem overwhelming, these legal professionals can help you with their counsel so that you feel less overwhelmed.

Keep in mind that a legal problem, particularly accidents, involves talking to the police, filing a lot of paperwork, talking to insurance companies, and more. Getting some of these steps wrong can result in you having to get a court sentence that doesn’t benefit you.

As mentioned before, there are a lot of benefits from hiring a criminal defense lawyer for your legal problems. We’re going to outline some of these below so that you can have a clearer idea of what to expect.

Lawyers Have Experience

It’s vital to note that most defense lawyers have experience dealing with your particular case. If you were involved in a car accident, for example, hiring a car accident lawyer would be the best course of action since they understand everything you must do to claim proper settlement money.

While some people get advice from friends and family, it’s always best to go for a legal professional that understands your rights and can help you achieve the best outcome possible for your case.

Moreover, some lawyers may have the connections necessary to help you go through the case smoothly.

Lawyers Can Give You Counsel and Help You Understand What’s Happening

One of the scariest parts of having a legal problem is that you likely don’t understand what’s happening and how that problem can affect your life. In some cases, people get charged with something and they don’t even know what that means.

Expert lawyers can provide valuable counsel when necessary. Overall, your legal counsel is responsible for letting you know everything that’s going on with your case in the most understandable way possible.

As long as you understand how your case is going to affect you, you may have a better chance of making the right decisions.

 Lawyers Take Care of Paperwork the Right Way

As mentioned before, hiring a lawyer involves filling out a lot of paperwork. Keeping track of everything may be hard for you, depending on the issue, so it may be easy to make a mistake.

Paperwork mistakes can have a significant impact on your case, so you must ensure you’re doing everything right. One of the primary benefits of hiring a lawyer is that you can get all of your paperwork filed without any problems. You don’t even have to deal with your paperwork yourself.

 Lawyers Are Always Going to Stay by Your Side

Regardless of what happens with your case, lawyers are morally bound to defend you and work toward your best interest. Whether you’re guilty or innocent of what happened, a lawyer is going to work hard until you get the best outcome possible.

In some cases, lawyers work with an entire team of capable professionals that may allow you to get through the case even faster. Overall, a legal professional is not going to let anyone take advantage of your case.

Keep in mind that, when it comes to legal problems, such as accidents, some people may try to trick you into saying things that can make you lose the case. Hiring a lawyer right away is going to prevent these problems from happening.

You Can Save Money

One of the reasons why people become hesitant to hire a lawyer is because they believe they’re going to save much more money if they complete all the legal process themselves.

While not hiring a lawyer could potentially save you a bit of money, it doesn’t compare to the amount of time you’re going to save after hiring one. Moreover, some legal issues require a lot of paperwork that, if you fill out incorrectly, may cause you to spend even more money than before.

In the long run, hiring a lawyer can save you money and time, which makes the investment worth it. If you’re unsure of what amount of money you can expect to spend for a lawyer, you may negotiate with them to see if their costs fit your budget.

You Can Get Emotional Support

Legal problems tend to be emotionally overwhelming for everyone involved. In some cases, you may not even want to talk about the issue with your friends or family. A lawyer is always going to be a great person to talk about your case since they’re impartial and work toward your best interest.

Bottom Line

As you can see, hiring a criminal defense lawyer can completely change the outcome of your case. If you’re honest about what happened and give your lawyer everything that they need to work your case, you’re more likely to achieve a better outcome.

Author’s Bio

Imo Bennard is a marketing professional who originally hails from Nigeria. He enjoys spending time with his family and friends by hanging out on the vast coastal plains of the southwest regions. Unless he’s on a mission of creating meaningful relationships with his business associates and writing valuable content for Silver and Silver.

Why Time is of the Essence When You’re Arrested for DUI – Guest Post


Getting arrested for driving under the influence (DUI) can be an overwhelming and stressful experience. This is especially true if it is your first run-in with the law. While easier said than done, staying calm and focusing on the legal journey ahead can have a dramatic impact on your case.

When it comes to traffic violations and DUI, time is of the essence. Apart from staying level-headed after your arrest, acting quickly and getting the help of a competent and seasoned attorney is vital. If anything, getting the best legal representation after an arrest should be a priority when charged with any crime.

In DUI cases, getting legal representation quickly is recommended if you want to protect your rights and your privileges. Other reasons why you need to act fast after a DUI arrest include:

The 10-Day Rule

In states like Georgia, anyone arrested for DUI is given only ten days to request an ALS Hearing (Administrative License Suspension Hearing) with the Georgia Department of Driver Services (DDS).

If a request is not made within the 10-day period, you can face an automatic license suspension. Your attorney can help you with your ALS hearing. If you want to safeguard your driving privileges, you need to act fast.

If you face DUI charges in Arizona, you are given 15 days (from the date you were pulled over) to contact the Motor Vehicle Division. Your diligence can prevent or delay the suspension of your driver’s license.

Also, even if diligence is done promptly, it is crucial that you work with a competent and experienced lawyer that can expertly guide you through the entire process.

If you behaved in a way that raised suspicion or if you said something at the time of your arrest, acting fast to mitigate your actions can help minimize the charges against you. In some cases, it can even result in having the charges against you to be dropped.

Interventions and Investigations

In certain situations, authorities will investigate before charging you with a crime. By getting legal help early on in the process, you will know what law enforcement and the prosecutors are up to.

Depending on the facts of your case, it is also possible that your attorney can intervene and convince the prosecutors to drop the charges against you.

You are Kept Informed

DUI lawyers have handled countless DUI cases of different types, so they know how different cases are carried out and what the possible complications may be. In addition, they can also readily anticipate what the “other side” might do.

When you consult a DUI lawyer quickly after your arrest, you will be informed about the developments in your case, so you will know where you stand. You will also have a better idea of what you can expect from the start of your case until the end.

You Can Build a Strong Defense

One of the best reasons you should work with a DUI lawyer right away is so your legal team will have ample time to conduct a thorough investigation and build a strong defense.

When your lawyer has enough time to meticulously review and prepare your case, you have a better chance of achieving a successful outcome.

What to Do After Your DUI Arrest

Aside from keeping your cool, below are some of the things you need to do after a DUI arrest:

01: Carefully read (and understand) all the paperwork given to you.

The police or the commissioner will provide you with paperwork that you need to go through and understand. Keep in mind that there are some short timelines when processing a DUI arrest.

Your failure to read and follow the documents and instructions provided might cause you to miss some deadlines. This can default into a loss of your license. In some instances, it can also result in some serious administrative sanctions.

02: Do not pay any citations or tickets if your charges require a Must Appear at Trial.

All the payable charges are scheduled for trial with the Must Appear charges even without asking the court.

03: Don’t sell yourself short and get the best DUI attorney you can find.

Why risk your financial well-being, freedom, and future by representing yourself or hiring an attorney with no ample experience handling DUI cases? If you were diagnosed with a medical condition that can alter your life if left untreated, wouldn’t you go for the most experienced and qualified doctor you can find?

The same approach should be used to choose the best DUI attorney to represent you. Remember that you face a serious criminal charge and can receive harsh penalties when convicted.

DUI law can be extremely complex, and if you are found guilty, the consequences can be very severe. You owe it to yourself, your future, and your loved ones to get a DUI attorney with award-winning representation and a track record of happy and satisfied clients.

How can you discharge tax debts in bankruptcy when the timing is right? – Guest Post


tax debts in bankruptcy

Be wary of greedy companies or financial service providers who claim to eliminate tax debts through bankruptcy. It’s not as easy as it seems. But genuine tax debt relief companies or attorneys will tell you that most tax debts aren’t dischargeable in bankruptcy. You’ll still need to pay them at the end of a Chapter 7 case. Apart from that, paying off tax debt in full under a Chapter 13 repayment plan will be your next option.

However, suppose you wish to discharge tax debts imminently. In that case, Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the better alternative, but only when your tax liability qualifies for discharge and you qualify for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

When can you discharge tax debt?

Before you can use Chapter 7 bankruptcy and reduce tax debt, you must meet the following requirements:

The tax debt should be at least three years old

Before filing bankruptcy, the tax return had to be due for at least three years.

The taxes should be income taxes

To get tax debt relief, your income should be taxed under federal taxes. Other taxes, including payroll taxes or fraud penalties, cannot be discharged in bankruptcy.

You must have filed tax returns

Bankruptcy must have been filed at least two years before you want to get rid of debt. You can’t get out of paying taxes in most court proceedings if you file a late return. The IRS may issue a substitute return on your behalf, considering your extensions have run out and you haven’t filed a “return.” Courts in some places let people get rid of a tax debt caused by a late return if they meet other criteria.

You shouldn’t perform fraudulent activities or intentionally avoid taxes

In this case, bankruptcy can’t provide you with tax debt help. If you submitted a deceptive tax return or tried to escape paying off tax debt, bankruptcy couldn’t guide you.

You comply with the “240-day rule.”

The IRS should have calculated your tax debt at least 240 days before you submit your chapter 7 bankruptcy, or you will not be able to file it. If the IRS suspends collection operations due to an offer in settlement or a past bankruptcy filing, the time limit may be extended.

There are also additional criteria in some regions. Also, if you used a credit card to pay off a nondischargeable tax debt under Chapter 7, the credit card amount will be a nondischargeable debt as well.

What are the 3 time specific rules that can help you discharge tax debt?

There are three rules for discharging income tax debts in a bankruptcy proceeding based on timing.

The 1st RULE – 3 Year rule

According to this regulation, the most current submission deadline for the tax year should be three years ago. For example – the taxation period in 2018. The 2018 tax return was due April 15th, 2019. As a result, the three-year period from the due date for the tax year in question would be April 16th, 2022 (three years and one day after the original deadline). You must also remember that many “tolling events” might push that due date back.

The 2nd RULE – 2 Year rule

This rule only applies to tax returns that are filed late. If the tax return is submitted on time, the Two Year Rule has always been met.

The rule states that the tax return for such tax year in question must have been filed with the taxation authority (state or federal) at least two years before the chapter 7 bankruptcy was filed.

So, if somehow the 2018 tax return isn’t filed till October 10th, 2021, the bankruptcy case won’t be filed until October 11th, 2023, more than two years after the tax return is filed.

The rule does not consider the tax return’s deadline; instead, it considers the date the return was submitted. So, even if the three-year requirement is met, if the return was late and hadn’t been filed for two years, it won’t be discharged in bankruptcy.

The 3rd RULE – 240 Day rule

The 240 Day Rule states that the taxation authority must assess the tax discharged over 240 days before the actual bankruptcy petition’s filing date. However, the time frame in question in this regulation may be “tolled” or extended. The time limit is extended during the term following the assessment. The taxpayer or his representative should submit an “offer in compromise” for the tax in question, and an extra 30 days should be considered after the offer is refused or approved.

To fulfill the 240 Day Rule, the tax in question should have been assessed for at least 240 days, including any period an offer in compromise was pending. Apart from that, the additional 30 days before the bankruptcy petition’s filing date must also be considered. The 240 days would be tolled for the duration of the automatic stay in a previous bankruptcy filing, plus an extra 90 days.

An IRS Account Transcript will provide the date of assessing the tax in question; however, the date of assessment of a State tax is more challenging to consider and varies by state.

Depending on how much you estimate to repay this year, you may be better off deferring your bankruptcy filing until January 2, 2022.

Modifications to this regulation are permissible in the following circumstances:

  • The time is extended to the next working day if the 240th day falls on a weekend or holiday.
  • The 240-day period can be extended if a compromise offer is under consideration for 96 days or more.

Final takeaway

Only Chapter 7 bankruptcy allows you to get tax debt solutions and discharge your income tax debt through bankruptcy. Consumers can accomplish this by following three timing-based rules.

According to the three-year rule, taxes cannot be discharged unless three years have elapsed after the last tax return was due.

The “two-year rule” states that if a tax return was not submitted on time, it must have been on file for at least two years in favor of being discharged in bankruptcy.

Even if the other two conditions are met, the “240 day rule” prevents taxes imposed within 240 days of the bankruptcy petition from being canceled.

It takes a lot of time and effort to discharge taxes in bankruptcy. So, get professional legal guidance from a bankruptcy attorney if you want expert bankruptcy tax debt help.

How to Effectively Win A Case as Criminal Defense Lawyer – Guest Post


Criminal Defense Lawyer

A criminal defense lawyer reviews the entire case and then selects the best criminal defense strategies. Given that not all criminal defense lawyers are the same, the most ideal one will consider all elements, then the case theory—a tactic that can effectively win a case.

The actions are taken, together with the legal arguments, to obtain the freedom and release the defendants from criminal charges. The lawyer has to prove these, along with all the flaws and doubts of a criminal element, beyond any reasonable doubt.

Do you want to learn about the different strategies being used to win a case from a criminal defense standpoint? Read on.

By Accident

A majority of offenses under the penal code include willful offenses, meaning the violator intentionally commits the crime. If your criminal lawyer can present that the committed act is just an accident and not intended, then there may be a considerable defense against the accused. This even works for a first-degree murder charge.

Most of the time, this tactic works; however, the entire case greatly depends on your criminal lawyer and how they will present the case.

Incorrect Identity Accusation

The main source of incorrect accusations is incorrect witness identification. This happens when your description is the same as a criminal culprit. Or perhaps, when the witness thinks that someone has committed the crime because of certain circumstances. Another probability is when the witness is trying to cover the crime they have committed.

Immediate Danger or Coercion

There is a certain situation when someone commits a crime out of self-protection due to immediate risk of harm and that is their only option. As they made such a decision under coercion or duress, the actions will not be deemed a crime. Your lawyer will present the case in a way it will showcase that the imminent danger is on you, and in order to protect yourself from the threat, you have committed such a crime.

Beyond Any Doubt

The burden of proof should be higher if the consequences are more serious. The criminal conviction includes losing your liberty in prison, so all the highest standards are applicable. In this case, the judge or the jury must have a moral assurance that the defendant is indeed guilty beyond unreasonable doubt.

In addition, all evidence has no explanation or any rational conclusion apart from the defendant having committed the crime.

An Alibi as a Form of Defense

An individual cannot be present at two dissimilar places at the exact same time. Therefore, if your lawyer can show proof that you are present somewhere else when the crime happens, then you can be considered not guilty. In the criminal defense lawsuit, this is the most common criminal defense tactic.

Entrapment Practice

If you’re a law-abiding citizen and you commit any offense because of intimidation or coercion, then entrapment normally occurs. This usually happens with various police operations which mostly involve undercovers. A good lawyer sets the entrapment for child pornography, prostitution and drug crimes as a defense in court.

Law Enforcement Official Misconduct

Some law enforcement officials are, unfortunately, guilty of misconduct during the investigations. In case the police official commits a mistake, they will usually cover them up during the preliminary investigation. Or they can be so persuasive that a suspect is guilty that they ended up misconducting to come up with a stronger case. However, if your criminal lawyer is clever enough to identify such misbehavior and counter this, your case can then be dismissed.

False Admissions

Under different mental strategies, law enforcement officials are known for forcing false confessions from innocent suspects. If worse comes to worst, they even try starvation, sleep deprivation and other forms of physical threats. Juveniles, specifically, are highly vulnerable when it comes to coercion.

If your criminal defense lawyer can showcase the evidence of coercion, then the case can be developed because the admission can be discarded, along with the evidence exclusion.


The legal defense of ‘necessity’ is possible when any type of criminal conduct is only done to avoid more serious danger. You may be dismissed from such a charge in case you or any other person believes they are in harm. Committing the criminal act is the only reasonable alternative. Nevertheless, the necessity of committing the crime has to be proven in court, and the only person who can prove this is your criminal defense lawyer.

Involuntary Intoxication

Most criminal laws need ‘specific intent’ in order to commit crimes. If you were involuntarily inebriated, that is a complete defense to almost all crimes, generally. For example, someone slips a drug into your drink causing you to become intoxicated, or if a physician prescribes you a certain drug without disclosing any side effects.

Your defense lawyer can claim involuntary intoxication, only, if you did not voluntarily take any drugs or alcohol.


A good criminal defense lawyer will try all possible means to prove that you are innocent. These are just some of the strategies they can use to convince a judge or jury and cause them to declare minor fines or imprisonment, or even complete dismissal of charges.

9 Effective Tips to Hire The Best Criminal Attorney – Guest Post


Criminal Attorney

Are you looking for ways to find the best criminal defense lawyer? Then you have landed in the right place. Criminal defense lawyers play an extremely important role in making your case successful and reaching a lawfully right decision. They handle many criminal and serious offense cases such as drugs and sex crimes in Pekin IL and other related cases. Here in this article, we have listed the top 9 effective tips that you must consider before hiring services from criminal defense attorneys in East Peoria IL. 

  1. Responsiveness

When you are charged with a criminal offense it is vital that your lawyers act promptly towards your case. Any delay in getting justice can create negative impacts on your case and you might also end up losing the case. 

  1. Specializes in Criminal Law

The right attorney will always specialize in criminal law and have the utmost knowledge about the various aspects of criminal law. You must make sure to ask various questions related to your case so that you can determine whether he/she is the right attorney for your case or not. 

  1. Experienced in local courts

You must always opt for lawyers who have experience in local courts. Criminal cases can result in some serious charges towards the accused parties, therefore it is always a wise decision to take services from lawyers who have years of experience in local courts. 

  1. Look for referrals

You can ask for referrals from your family members and friends who have recently taken services from a criminal defense attorney. These kinds of sources are some of the most trustable and easiest referral sources that you can come across. 

  1. Check for reputable sources

Another way to get access to reliable and reputable sources is by checking online reviews. There are some websites online that provide genuine reviews or feedback from clients who have taken services from such attorneys in your area or state. 

  1. Look for a clear fee structure

A good and genuine defense lawyer will always have their fee structure clear and simple. You will be informed about the bill payment method and schedule if any beforehand so that you have a proper idea of what services you can expect from such lawyers.   

  1. Check their enthusiasm

The best way to know about your lawyer is by checking his/her enthusiasm and dedication to work. You should only engage with such lawyers who take interest in the investigation, trial, and other related matters of your case.

  1. Confidence in courtrooms

In criminal cases, court trials generally move fast. You must make sure your defense lawyer is thorough with all the rules and regulations that could impact the outcome of your case. Your lawyer should possess the utmost knowledge and have confidence while representing your case in courtrooms. 

  1. Considering your opinions

Your defense lawyer can only control specific matters in your criminal case such as filing court motions, guiding you on what witnesses to call, and more. However, the big decisions should only be made by you. Your lawyer should always consult you before making decisions in your case.

It is important to note not always lawyers with low fees are best for your criminal cases. You must make sure to consider all the above-mentioned factors to avoid engaging with misleading and inexperienced lawyers.

What Does a Business Lawyer Do? – Guest Post


business lawyer

Are you interested in knowing what a New Jersey business lawyer does? Or how can a business lawyer help you out, and in which fields? You must relax because you have indeed reached the best place in such cases. This article gives a thorough description of what a corporate lawyer can do and their jobs and roles in the various fields exclusively. So worry not, and read the entire article to understand everything.

A business lawyer proposes companies on their felony obligations, rights, and duties. Attorneys who name themselves company attorneys are generally company generalists, legal professionals who recommend groups on their felony obligations, rights, and responsibilities, offer recommendations on commercial enterprise systems, and compare ventures.

Different Roles Of Corporate Lawyer

  1. Contracts: Reviewing, drafting, and negotiating legally-binding agreements on behalf of the corporation that can contain the whole lot from hire agreements to multi-billion greenback acquisitions.
  2. Mergers and acquisitions: Conducting due diligence, negotiating, drafting, and typically overseeing “deals” that contain a corporation “merging” with any other organization or “acquiring” (purchasing) any other business enterprise.
  3. Corporate governance: Helping customers create the framework for how an organization is directed and controlled, consisting of drafting articles of incorporation, developing by-laws, advising company administrators and officials on their rights and responsibilities, and different regulations used to control the organization.
  4. Venture capital: Helping startup or present organizations locate capital to construct or scale the business, allowing the company to secure either non-public or public financing.
  5. Securities: Advising customers on securities regulation compliance, which includes the complicated policies aimed toward stopping fraud, insider training, and marketplace manipulation, in addition to selling transparency inside publicly-traded companies.

In many cases, company attorneys’ paintings in big or mid-length regulation corporations have company regulation departments. Many company attorneys have specialties or regions of company regulation that they focus on, including M & M&A, project capital, or securities.

Role of a corporate lawyer in corporate Fields

1. Enterprises: An enterprise is a criminal entity created via the legal guidelines of its country of incorporation. Individual states make legal guidelines regarding the advent, agency, and dissolution of groups. The regulation treats an employer as a criminal “individual” who can sue and be sued and is wonderful from its stockholders.

The criminal independence of an employer prevents shareholders from being, in my view, responsible for company debts. The individual criminal repute of agencies offers the perpetual enterprise life; the death (or, in today’s climate, discrediting) of a legitimate or a prime stockholder does now no longer modify the agency’s shape, even though it impacts the inventory price.

2. Choosing the Best Paperwork: A company attorney can assist a purchase in creating, preparing, or dissolving a commercial enterprise entity. To shape an organization, legal professionals draft articles of incorporation, which report the advent of the organization and specify the control of inner affairs.

Most states require a company to have bylaws defining the jobs of officials of the organization. Corporate attorneys also address enterprise entities within partnerships, limited legal responsibility companies, restricted legal responsibility partnerships, and enterprise trusts. Every shape has its criminal rights and obligations, organizational shape, and tax burdens. New Jersey Criminal + White Collar Defense Attorneys assist their customers in determining which of that criminal paperwork is suitable for the enterprise they need to run and the relationships the principals need to construct with each other.

3. Confirmation: A company attorney who facilitates a patron shape of an organization would possibly later be referred to as upon for different felony recommendations associated with the startup or control of the enterprise, like reviewing a hire for workplace area or equipment or drafting employment contracts, nondisclosure, and non-compete agreements.

Corporate legal professionals would possibly study employment regulation or environmental regulation components or discuss with any other lawyer who makes a specialty of that field. Business executives additionally are seeking recommendations from company lawyers on the rights and duties of company administrators and officials.

Now You Know!

The article thoroughly explained the primary jobs of a business lawyer. We hope that this article has come to your help and understands everything you wanted to know. With this, we hope that you’ll be able to judge the role of your business lawyers!

5 Winning Reasons Why You Need A Criminal Defense Lawyer – Guest Post


Criminal Defense Lawyer

You’ll never know that you need a criminal defense lawyer until you actually need it. Yes, that might sound harsh but it’s a fact for most people here in the United States. You can be wrongly accused of a crime and forced to face a criminal charge that you’re not guilty of.

The right defense lawyer can address, justify, and stand up on your behalf to beat these charges. In this article, we’ll show you different benefits of having a defense lawyer or a sex crimes attorney to help you handle your case.

What is a criminal defense lawyer?

An attorney who specializes in defending a crime and represents those who are accused. They can be a public lawyer who’s paid by the government or private lawyer who’s paid by the defendant. Your defense lawyer should know the ins and outs of your criminal cases to make sure he or she can easily know the factors that can be used to remove any charges relating to your alleged crime.

Additionally, a criminal defense lawyer is the person in charge to research the facts, investigate the case against you, and try to negotiate deals with your prosecutors. We’ll get to know more details regarding the deals below.

5 Reasons Why You Need to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer

The United States Law will not require you to hire a defense lawyer and represent yourself to the trials. This is called self-representation or Pro se. However, we can all agree that being represented by a professional is always the best option. You can choose to hire a private attorney specializing in your case. Otherwise, the government will provide a public defender for you.

Listed below are the importance of a criminal defense lawyer.

1. They are expert in the law and justice system

Lawyers have spent years studying law and more years being exposed to different cases. Hiring an attorney gives you an immediate guide through the court process. They exhaustively know the law and use this to defend you stronger.

The justice system in every country is more complicated than just filing a case, winning or losing it, and facing its consequences. As you know now, it’s not a one way street. A criminal defense lawyer does most of the work for you – researching, handling paperwork, negotiating with prosecutors, and more.

2. They can protect your future

Imagine not winning your case, it will do more than just harm your reputation. When you’re proven guilty in an alleged sexual crime, you have to be prisoned for a minimum of 2 years depending on your case. If not, you can experience limitations in where you can go, what job you can apply for, and pay extra high fees to cover the settlement.

Hiring a defense lawyer can minimize the charges pressed against you and fight to win your case. This way, your record remains clean and the case will have lesser impact in your life.

3. It will save you time and money

Did you know that oftentimes, crimes don’t go to court but are settled and resolved through pre-trial process? Depending on the alleged crime and how your case is handled, you won’t have to spend so much time and money defending. Cases and court trials can be exhaustive whether or not it’s governed incorrectly so your lawyer’s expertise will speed up the process.

People also sometimes settle for public defendants to save money. However, this may result in being charged more especially if your defendant is not expert in the field and handles other clients aside from you.

4. Help you negotiate favorable options

Being jailed is not always the consequence when proven guilty. Your lawyer can help you negotiate your options from reducing charges against you, penalties you have to pay, to possible dismissal of your case.

This can easily go unnoticed if you’re not an expert in the area. So, hiring a criminal defense lawyer helps you understand all the potential and sentences you’ll have to face when convicted.

5. Gives you emotional support 

It’s hard to get emotional support when alleged with sexual crimes. We know how sex offense charges can cause emotional damage to a person. A professional lawyer will not judge you based on the allegations placed on your head but provide support throughout the procedures. You can comfortably discuss your side of story, fears, and insecurities without the feeling of being judged.

How to Hire The Best Lawyer 

As we always say to our clients, settling for a mediocre sex crimes attorney will give you a mediocre result. Having just any lawyer won’t cut it. If you’re charged with a crime, you don’t want to get somebody who just knows their way around. You want somebody who can defend your case even when their eyes closed.

The first thing you should check for a lawyer is their expertise or specialization. It won’t hurt to see if they have enough credentials to back you up in your case. A specialized lawyer cuts the process of consultation with other lawyers.

Next, you want your lawyer to be effective and efficient in communicating – not only in court but also with you. They should be able to explain to you the legal terms or technicalities especially if you don’t have background in this field. You can see how they respond or communicate by taking free consultations.

Last but not the least, by reading testimonials and reviews. You’ll learn a lot about the attorney or firm you’re eyeing by how their previous clients talk about their service. Only confirm that the testimonials are true – by checking legit sites like Google Reviews or Yelp.


Your criminal defense lawyer can make or break your case. Therefore, hiring the best lawyer who understands your charges, justice and law systems, and procedures will benefit you from suffering a greater loss.

Nicole Blank Becker of Blank Law, PC has been both a prosecutor and defendant for 20 years. She’s an expert in the field of sex crimes and criminal sexual conduct cases and the best in this field in Michigan. Should you need to get a free consultation with the best sex crimes attorney in Michigan, visit

6 Points to Consider When Selecting an Attorney – Guest Post



Deciding to file a claim or pursue a lawsuit in the court of law is a big decision that requires some serious thinking & contemplation. But, deciding on who will represent you as your attorney is just as important. When you experience problems in the workplace and need to retain an attorney, you may be on your way to interact with the legal system for the very first time in your life. So, it can be difficult to find the right employment attorney.

Here in this post, we will discuss six important things that you must consider when selecting an employment attorney.

  1. Relevant Experience in the Field

Since employment law is a niche field, be sure to find an attorney who is a specialist in the field. It pays to choose an attorney with sufficient experience and a proven track record in the field.

Depending upon the nature of claim you intend to file or the kind of legal advice you need, you may further narrow down your search for an attorney who specializes in workplace discrimination, wage & hour disputes, wrongful termination, severance disputes, employment agreement disputes, etc.

Employment lawyers can also be classified into two distinct categories – those who work on behalf of workers and others who work for employers.

If an attorney has experience in working on behalf of both employees and employers, he or she may have a better ability to examine the strengths and weaknesses of a case. But, this is not always the case.

Some attorneys dedicate themselves to either of the two categories and are good at what they do. So, choose wisely.

  1. Complimentary Initial Consultation

An established employment attorney or an employment law firm would most likely be willing to offer complimentary initial consultation. The attorney or someone from their team can sit down with you or have a phone call to discuss the best way they can assist you.

This also helps an attorney examine your unique situation and advise you on whether they feel you have a strong case. A face-to-face meeting, whether in-person or over a video call, can also help you gauge if an employment attorney has strong communication skills. After all, your employment attorney should be able to smartly present the legal basis of your case in a language that is easy to understand.

Consider the situation where you wish to make a claim for wrongful termination. You learn during the initial consultation that you don’t really have a case because you do not meet the eligibility criteria for such a claim. When such information is discovered early on, you don’t have to pay the attorney for drafting the application or filing the claim. This will help save both time and money.

  1. Honesty

Your employment attorney should be completely honest with you, particularly about the chances of success and various risks & costs involved in chasing the desired outcome.

If you find that an attorney presents you with a rosy picture without even examining your unique circumstances, consider it a red flag.

Yes, your attorney should passionately advocate on your behalf, whether you are negotiating with the other party (e.g. your employer or employee), filing/disputing the claim with a commission (e.g. Equal Opportunities Employment Commission in the United States).

But, your attorney should also offer realistic advice, strictly based on the merits of your case and the provisions of the law. An experienced and honest attorney would also be keen to keep your budget and specific goals in mind while offering you legal advice.

  1. Legal Fees

Always choose a lawyer who has a transparent fee structure. All financial matters should be set out in writing. All details, no matter how minute, should be brought to your attention by your lawyer or someone from their team during the initial consultation or before you sign on the dotted line.

A credible and experienced employment attorney will always set out the scope of work clearly so as to leave no room for ambiguities later on.

The fees attorneys charge depends on their professional experience and the volume of work they undertake on your behalf. Fees alone shouldn’t be the criteria for selection of an employment attorney.

  1. Availability of an Attorney

Individual attorneys & firms that sincerely care about their clients will provide prompt & responsive service. They should devote time and attention to each case they take up.

Yes, your case will not be only the file that a lawyer or a firm would be working on. An established attorney will always be working on multiple cases, but when required, they should make your case a priority.

An experienced lawyer with a professional approach to work will make it a point to schedule phone calls, meetings, etc., early on and provide you a timeline on how things will progress.

  1. Location of an Employment Attorney’s Office

It is advisable to hire a local employment law specialist. This way, you can easily meet them in-person, when required. This way, you can form a better working relationship with your attorney. A local employment attorney will also be able to better understand the unique details of the market you work (as an employee) or operate (as an employer) in.

Down the road, if you and your attorney decide to file a lawsuit, hiring a local attorney would help keep travel costs (for appearances in court) under control.

Can I Sue The Driver Who Hit Me Even if I don’t have Insurance on My Motorcycle? – Guest Post


Sue The Driver

When it comes to suing after a two-wheeler person has got injured by the fault of a car driver, then it may have a lot of complications to it and whether having insurance or not, it is better to consult from personal injury lawyers Houston to discuss your condition and let your case be prepared so you can actually get better recovery possibilities.

However, if you want to sue a driver anyhow, require a specialist of the car accident, and want to prepare a strong case so you can be rewarded actual claim, then it is better to be in contact with Car accident lawyers Houston, set for proper process legally and it would help you to get better recovery assets if the fault is proved and you are defended well at court by your lawyer.

Before you think to sue the other car driver in such a hit and run case, there are a few things to consider, and they may include:

  • The actual possibility of fault
  • Your own physical condition
  • Checking for other driver insurance and these are a few things that do count more so you do not have to worry about your own insurance and can proceed to sue the driver who hurt you.

The responsibility belongs to another driver

In most cases motorcycle driver is considered to be more at risk, thus fault would go to the car driver and he or she has to take responsibility to provide support to the two-wheeler driver related to the injury, to help with actual medical dispatch, and other such elementary support which means that it is going to be perfectly settled even your motorcycle did not have insurance on your side.

No insurance means your company can’t help you

However, in concerns to your vehicle that may also require cover as when it got hit, there would be certain damage to it, but in case your motorcycle did not go for insurance thence it means that your company can’t help you with any requirement, whether it is financial terms to help you recover or your vehicle means to get repairing services, it all has to be arranged by some other means in case you did not go for insurance earlier.

All financial cover from the liable party

In some case Motorcycle insurance also cover liabilities, but if you did not have it, thence you may have to proceed to court to settle for proving the liable party and all terms of financial cover would rest with the car driver, the one who made you injured would have to look for all recovery assets in your relation, and this way you have to consider your condition legally to settle such term through a proper legal process at court for better recovery prospects in such accident.


To know more how you can apply legal terms, in what condition you may sue the other driver and whether insurance play role in such process or not, you can consider experts and can be in touch with Personal injury lawyers in Houston to get a better recovery settlement and also get better medical facility to get proper treatment and recover well.

However, if you think that car driver did it on purpose, you have strong evidence to support your condition and require a claim by such legal set up, then it is better to consult from Car accident lawyers Houston, discuss your case and arrange proper legal standard so your claim can be arranged and you can have better recovery prospects settled at court for you.

Your expert partner to defend your injury while driving a two-wheeler. Their expert car accident lawyers Houston do know how to help you even if you do not have insurance and get your all recovery assets covered.