Jordan Watson Named Rising Star By Super Lawyers!
Our own Criminal Trial Attorney Jordan Watson was named a rising star by Super Lawyers.
Jordan R. Watson
Rated by Super Lawyers
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Jordan R. Watson
Rated by Super Lawyers
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Do I have full custody of my son?
We have never been married, I kicked him out because he won’t keep and carry a job he has two pending felonies because he had marijuana and a firearm and later a felony charge of impersonating a police officer, he is also on probation for assault and battery…I let him keep our son lastnight because I had to be at work 4 am this morning in which I got off at noon and he is refusing to give me our son
Justin’s Answer
I cannot answer the question with certainty with the information you’ve given, but if you feel he has taken your son, you need to call the police.
My ex boyfriend is on felony probation for child support his court date keeps getting postponed this will be the 3rd time he is supposed to be in court because probation is being revoked why do they not issue a warrant for his arrest.same ex boyfriend ran off with my 17 year old daughter and grandbabies which I found out that my ex boyfriend is the father of both girls what can I do to get this to move on this warrant so DNA test can be done because my daughter was 15 the first time she got pregnant and 16 the second time I’ve stated that I want to press charges against him for that
My fiancee was arrested on a possession posted a bond. A felony probation capias warrant came out a day later. His PO said he would not object to the judge lifting the warrant pending the outcome of the case. To just have our lawyer contact the judge. So Im wondering what role it is the prosecutor is playing in objecting to the lift of the capias. I understand his role in the initial charge which caused the violation which as a result the capias was issued but not understanding his role in the capias. Shouldn’t that be between Probation and Parole, the Judge and our Attorney?
A felony crime was committed the person wasn’t there but because they claimed ownership of parafanellia the law is twisting words saying that person admitted to crime.
There are several circumstances where a suspect’s statements can be used against them: voluntary intoxication typically does not prevent your statements from being used against you.
If you are charged with a felony, then you need to find an experienced attorney to represent you. They can look at the case and see if your statements to police can be excluded or if there is another way to fight the case.
WWhat is the statute of limitations on a physical assault by a family member in the same household
My brother-in-law attacked me in my home and pulled out a kitchen knife and threatened to kill me. He is out of the house now and moving out of state as of this coming Sunday and on his way to Wichita he will never be coming back.
What is the statute of limitations on a physical assault
Justin’s Answer
It depends on how the crime is charged: Three years for a felony, 1 year for a misdemeanor. But that time doesn’t run if the defendant is fleeing from prosecution. If you suspect that he is trying to flee the jurisdiction, you can contact the police.
What is a show cause hearing for restraining order?
Long story short–a family member got a restraining order on me because I didn’t show up to the hearing. Anyhow, my mother had gotten into an argument with said family member-and they argued back any forth. An unrelated matter that had nothing to do with me.
The family member told numerous people it was my mother who did it but then ran to the police and said it was “probably her” and said I violated my restraining order.
Now I have a show cause hearing. They’ve told me to find care for my children because the judge could decide that day to put me in jail. Over text messages that weren’t even me? So.. Can they throw me in jail without a lawyer or fighting it? Or what is a show cause hearing? Will they let me get a lawyer or assign one to me if I am facing jail time? What should I bring?
Justin’s Answer
The judge is ordering you to “show cause” while you should not be held in contempt for violating the order. This is a serious accusation: you need to contact an experienced domestic violence attorney to help you prepare for this hearing.
Can a court grant a PO/CPO to the petitioner if the petitioner is incarcerated?
My husband filed a PO/CPO against me in retaliation for a PO that I filed against him. On the day I filed, I was granted a temporary emergency PO as well as temporary custody of our 3 yr old son. The day we appeared in court for my PO case against him, his Attorney’s request that the case be heard with our divorce case was granted; our divorce case is yet to be scheduled. I am due to appear in court on 08/03/18 for the PO/CPO he has filed against me. However, my Husband was picked up by police on July 21 for 2 counts of 1st degree assault against me which also led to a probation violation . I do not expect him to be out of jail by our court date on 08/03/18. Is it safe to assume that this will be thrown out since he is incarcerated? His bond is currently $50,000 cash, no 10% and no surety.
Justin’s Answer
Do not assume that it will be thrown out. At a minimum, show up on the court date. Preferably, find an attorney to represent you at that hearing. You having an order against him does NOT prevent him from filing one against you.