Does Missouri suspend a drivers license based on an out of state administrative decision/suspension? Missouri…
Should I get a license in another state before my home state revokes my license for 10 years and I can’t get a hardship license?
Should I get a license in another state before my home state revokes my license for 10 years and I can’t get a hardship license?
I got a dwi in Missouri on my Missouri license 03/11/08 when I was 19 years old, and 1 while living in Midland, TX., no license at all, 9/13/08, when I 20 years old. I did not drive from 3/11/08 until I got my Missouri license again in 2015. After 9 1/2 years with nothing against me whatsoever I made a bad decision while working in Texas. I got a DWI for marijuana, no alcohol on blood test, Feb. of 2018, in which Texas considered it a 3rd dwi so it was a felony.
If only 2 were on my Missouri license, will Missouri still revoke my license for 10 years and make it impossible for me to get a hardship license so I can work?
My driving privilege was suspended for a year in Texas, but Missouri has obviously never been notified as I have no suspension in Missouri, nothing shows up when checked, even during the suspension.
Is it possible Missouri can still find out and revoke my license for 10 years? Since my suspension is over should I get a license in another state? I hate living in fear all the time that my license will be taken away for 10 years and I’ll be unable to work with no transportation since I live in the country.
Justin’s Answer
If you apply for a license in a new state, it will be fraudulent since you know you are suspended in another. Missouri honors suspensions from other states and lately they have been finding and enforcing them. A quick Google tells me Texas has “occupational/Restricted Use Licenses”. You should contact a Texas attorney about that.