WhenWhen can statutory rape charges be filed who files them?


WhenWhen can statutory rape charges be filed who files them?
My son is 16 his girlfriend is 21 he got in trouble with juvenile probation while they were together he had to go away to 45 days of treatment and now um is facing up to a year in youth services are juvenile detention she will not leave him alone messages him constantly and keeps him stirred up constantly and is now talking about getting pregnant and then having a child how do we pursue some statutory rape charges on this girl

Justin’s Answer
If you feel that a crime is being committed you can always call the police. Based on what you’ve told me, this does qualify as statutory rape in Missouri.

Me and we got into a fight how many how much jail time is there for one two and three assault?


Me and we got into a fight how many how much jail time is there for one two and three assault?
We got into a fight she put her hands on me I put my hands on her she called the cops I got aggravated assault 1 2 and 3

Justin’s Answer
Those could be charged as A (10 to 30 years or life), B (5 to 15 years), D (up to 7 years), or E (up to 4 years) felonies, depending on how they are charged. You need an attorney to help you on this case.

I live in Missouri and I’m 16 he 18 and was wondering if he can get in trouble if he get me pregnant?


I live in Missouri and I’m 16 he 18 and was wondering if he can get in trouble if he get me pregnant?
We had sexual intercorse and was wondering if he get in trouble

Justin’s Answer
Statutory Rape in Missouri requires the perpetrator to be over 21 AND the victim under 17. Your boyfriend is technically safe from being charged with statutory rape. However, if the relationship started when you were younger, he may be in danger. I would not advise getting pregnant at 16, however.

Can a 14 yr old refuse a dna test for her unborn if accusation have been made that a 31 yr old got her pregnant


Can a 14 yr old refuse a dna test for her unborn if accusation have been made that a 31 yr old got her pregnant
My daughter is 14 n is pregnant but she is scared that the guy will b charged n he is already going to prison for life for other charges that have been filed against him

Justin’s Answer
She can refuse, however a court order (warrant) can override that refusal. If she wants to avoid the test, you may look into contacting an attorney. However, if the father has any money (or is set to inherit money) a paternity test can help ensure that the child is taken care of.

If ur child is 21 ..and doesn’t go to collage but u owe back child support what happens then?


If ur child is 21 ..and doesn’t go to collage but u owe back child support what happens then?
My daughter ir 21 and i owe back child support what happens now?..jailtime or what happens next?

Justin’s Answer
You have to pay child support until the back support is paid. If you still owe back support, the payments do not stop when the child becomes an adult. If you fail to pay the back child support, your license can be suspended, your wages garnished, and yes, you can be charged with a crime. You can generally just call and set up a payment plan. If you wish to challenge the amount owed, you will have to talk to an attorney in your area.

What is the punishment usually for first time offense of using fake 20 bill in Missouri?


What is the punishment usually for first time offense of using fake 20 bill in Missouri?
I had cashed my check took 20 out of wallet went to gas station bought things did not know it was fake

Justin’s Answer
No one can tell you this without knowing more about the case and your own history. Probation is common for my previous cases, but they could be entirely different from your situation. You should contact a defense attorney in your area to give you a better answer.

My probation has been over for over 16 yrs. And just got a letter saying I owe 1,400$ for court cost but 12 12 in county jail


My probationhas been over for over 16 yrs. And just got a letter saying I owe 1,400$ for court cost but 12 12 in county jail
I 12 12 in county jail 16 yrs. Ago and just got a letter saying I owe court cost from 16 yrs. Ago I was released from probation and all then how do I still owe court fees when being released from my probation

Justin’s Answer
You question is not very clear, but, so far as I know, there is no statute of limitations on court costs. You should contact a local attorney to help you with this; just be advised: hiring an attorney may be more expensive than just paying the $1400.

Getting video from a bank that would help prove my case ?


Getting video from a bank that would help prove my case ?
i need to get video suevillance from a major bank . i understand its like pulling teeth . will my lawyer be able to pull it off . my understanding is that they answer to know one put the police are a judge . this survillance is very important to my defence . on a side note i told the officer that the alleged crime happened in plan view of all these cameras . im i to believe that theyll go through the trouble of even looking at the video to prove my case .Are will they simple take the witnesses word for it . And file it to the DA office

Justin’s Answer
If you have an attorney, you should ask them this question. Getting evidence, even from a bank, just takes a subpoena, which your attorney should know how to get.

As for your case, if the officer is thorough, they should have already gotten a copy of the footage and examined it before forwarding to the prosecutor. On less serious cases, however, I have known officers to ignore possible video evidence and just take the witnesses’ word for it. Your attorney should know how to deal with this.

I need a criminal defense attorney that accepts payments. I will only have 300-400 to put down


I need a criminal defense attorney that accepts payments. I will only have 300-400 to put down
2 charges for same situation; a misd. Probation violation for the charge and the charge itself.
I missed court date on accident for my probation hearing and now have capias warrant and cannot afford to sit in jail. New job and single mother. I believe the charge can get dropped or reduced.

Justin’s Answer
You will have to contact an attorney in your area to see if they will take that price. I will tell you that takes an experienced attorney to get a DWI dismissed, and $300 probably will not cover that. Your probation violation is another problem as it is much easier to prove that up. Good luck.

My pal has a No Bond FTA Warrant.. How should he turn himself in?


My pal has a No Bond FTA Warrant.. How should he turn himself in?
He missed his court date on 6/18/18 thinking the date to appear was the following month on 7/18/18..The judge issued a fta warrant with N/B

Justin’s Answer
Depends on how serious the case is, but if your friend hires an attorney, the attorney can probably get the warrant lifted without your friend risking arrest. Otherwise, you can check to see if the court has any amnesty days, where they allow those to surrender without arrest.