Is my husband allowed to buy me drinks?


Is my husband allowed to buy me drinks?

He is 23 and I’m 19. I live in Missouri and can’t find anything on it.

Justin’s Answer

No he cannot. However, oddly enough, Missouri allows your parents to give you small amounts of alcohol with meals, celebrations, or religious services.

Can I get off the registry? Knowing that my charges are C & D felonies.


Can I get off the registry? Knowing that my charges are C & D felonies.

What could happened to me?


What could happened to me?

I have been pulled over tn and got my car inpunded for driving while suspended this is my 3rd offense and officer said it was a felony but I was booked and released why and what happens next I was not given a court date or anything. Do I face jail. Do I need a lawyer?

Justin’s Answer

Yes you need an attorney. A felony DWS charge is very serious. However, an attorney can help you get your license reinstated and try to keep you out of jail.

How much would it cost to get an animal cruelty charge expunged?


How much would it cost to get an animal cruelty charge expunged?

My Husband has a 1st offense felony for animal cruelty and I’m wondering how much is it to get it expunged? It’s been 3 years since he was charged and it’s preventing him from getting a job. It happened in Arkansas so I’m not sure where he needs to go to get it expunged nor do i know how much it will cost any advice will be helpful. Thank you

Justin’s Answer

You will need to contact an attorney in Arkansas to get an answer to this question.

I have a tenant I need to evict. There is no lease, she pays by the month to live in her RV here. Do I need to go to court. ?


I have a tenant I need to evict. There is no lease, she pays by the month to live in her RV here. Do I need to go to court. ?

I am told given there is no lease and this is a RV park I do not need to go to court. That I can give her a 5 day eviction notice and then call the police if she does not leave. Although there is no lease she has been paying by the month for 8 months now. I’m told by the sheriffs office it is a civil matter and I will have to go to court and I’m told by the courthouse its an RV park so I do not need to go to court. I’m not sure what to do?

Justin’s Answer

There is no right to self help in Missouri, even for RV parks. You do have to go through with the eviction procedure. If the court is not letting you file for eviction, you may have to contact an attorney for help.

What does it mean that I have to get a petition before I can get my license back?


What does it mean that I have to get a petition before I can get my license back?

My boyfriend was charged with a Felony E dwi persistent in Missouri. Is it likely that he could get probation?


My boyfriend was charged with a Felony E dwi persistent in Missouri. Is it likely that he could get probation?

He has a very good job and children and a lot to loose if he had to go to prison. He posted bond for 5000 cash only.

Justin’s Answer

You would have to talk to a DWI attorney practicing in Nevada to answer that question. I would say very unlikely given that there is a minimum 30 days by statute for persistent offenders. However, a skilled DWI attorney can possibly get that charged reduced.

Can you do jail time with first afense dui with a minor in the car? No one went to jail that night just a court appearance.


Can you do jail time with first afense dui with a minor in the car? No one went to jail that night just a court appearance.

Had just had a few drinks and there was a check point.

Justin’s Answer

Yes, jail time is a possibility. A first time DWI is a B Misdemeanor, meaning you could do up to 6 months in jail. However, there is more to worry about: If you had a child in the car, you could also be charged with child abuse/endangerment. If you were recently charged with DWI, the Department of Revenue has already started civil proceedings to suspend your license: this is an entirely separate process from the criminal charge.

This is a very serious situation. However, an attorney can work to keep you out of jail, keep the charges off your record, and help you keep your license.

Is a DUI in Missouri considered a crime?


Is a DUI in Missouri considered a crime?

My wife recently filled out an application for a job she was offered. On the application there was a question that simply asked, ” Have you ever been convicted of a crime?” With no other explanation. We discussed it and she put down no. About 10 years ago she got a DUI, but we thought that wasnt considered a crime, but a driving infraction. After more research we are worried that we had put the wrong answer down and it may impact the decision. We are not trying to hide anything, but felt based on the way the question was asked we had put the right answer. Advice please?

Justin’s Answer

Yes, it is a crime in MO. However, as the other gentlemen have stated, it’s possible that she did not get a conviction for it. You can try looking up the case at the court house, or an attorney could try looking up the charge to see it it resulted in a conviction.

Is it true you don’t have to have a Drivers licence if your not performing an act of commerce and are just travelling


Is it true you don’t have to have a Drivers licence if your not performing an act of commerce and are just travelling

Got arrested for driving wile suspended, was held for 24hrs and never issued a ticket. I was told on my release that a warrent may be issued for fellonie driving.

Justin’s Answer

This is just a myth. Whoever told you this is mistaken or just lying to you. You need a license to drive.