Will an ex parte go on my permanent record? My girlfriend got an order of…
When i have a ex parte against someone and they haven’t been served yet, can i tell them to stop contacting me?
When i have a ex parte against someone and they haven’t been served yet, can i tell them to stop contacting me?
My son’s father is abusive, i got a order of protection signed by the judge saying he shouldn’t contact me at all. He still is , and i know he hasn’t been served yet but it’s becoming annoying. What can i do? Can i tell him to leave me alone because of the ex parte? That might piss him off though, but i really want him to stop texting me.
Justin’s Answer
Ms. Merta’s analysis is excellent. I will add that, if you are feeling harassed, you are free to call the police and report the harassment. Non-emergency number unless you feel you are in danger.