Can my 11 year old take a lie detector test?


Can my 11 year old take a lie detector test?

My 4 year old is telling me that my 11 year old put his peepee in his butt. Now he’s saying my 11 year old told him to open his mouth so he can put his peepee in his mouth. My 11 year old lie’s so much it’s hard for me to believe him. At first I thought my 4 year old was just making up stuff but he said it again and add some new stuff. So can my 11 year old take a lie detector test?

Justin’s Answer

You can ask, but lie detector tests are generally unreliable. If your child has been abused, you must report it or face felony charges yourself.

If you innocent and they charge you burglary how long they charge you is first offense ?


If you innocent and they charge you burglary how long they charge you is first offense ?

They charge you amf robbery what charge is given you?

Justin’s Answer

That depends on the severity of the crime and the mood of the prosecutor and judge, as well as the skill of the defense attorney. No one can give you a specific answer on this Q&A site: you will have to contact a criminal attorney in the area this is charged.

Is there anyway possible that this can be reduced to a misdemeanor?


Is there anyway possible that this can be reduced to a misdemeanor?

I was working at a retail store at Christmas time and money was tight. I did stupid things. I’m being charged with felony theft because it was slightly over $500 I think. I’ve never been in trouble before for anything other than a traffic ticket.

Justin’s Answer

It’s quite possible, but no one can tell you how to do it here. Stop posting facts of your case online and find an experienced defense attorney near you. You can start with the “Find a Lawyer” button at the top.

Can a store employee use physical force to stop theft?


Can a store employee use physical force to stop theft?

Yes, they can use reasonable force to stop a crime. You should stop posting the facts of your wife’s case online and help her find an attorney.

Justin’s Answer

Yes, they can use reasonable force to stop a crime. You should stop posting the facts of your wife’s case online and help her find an attorney.

Is it possible to get community service or unsupervised probation?


Is it possible to get community service or unsupervised probation?

How do you fight a domestic violence charge ?


How do you fight a domestic violence charge ?

My husband has been arrested and charged with domestic violence. He is being accused of choking my oldest daughter. She has recently been getting into alot of trouble with lying to the police, running away and stealing. We were about to send her away for help and now comes this accusation. She never told me personally of this incident and i have major doubts. Where do we start with his defense?

Justin’s Answer

You start by hiring a lawyer. No lawyer can condense years of training and experience into a few sentences for you to read. More importantly, if you try to help on the case you will be guilty of practicing law without a license.

How does my ex get out a false statement charge?


How does my ex get out a false statement charge?

My ex went through a rough time with her husband and needed a place to stay. I let her stay with me. She has a drinking problem and calls the police a lot. One night she she called stating I had hit her. She called multiple times and on the last visit from the police she said I didn’t actually hit her and she was arrested. Can I help her or is she in trouble?

Justin’s Answer

If the police or prosecutor contact you, you can request that they not press charges, otherwise, it is out of your hands. You do not get to decide whether charges proceed.

Me ex has an ex parte on me claiming she is terrified of me. We share on the title a minivan that she came to my home and took.


Me ex has an ex parte on me claiming she is terrified of me. We share on the title a minivan that she came to my home and took.

Can she violate her own ex parte and come to home to take the vehicle while I’m sleeping? Can I petition to have the ex parte dropped since clearly I’m not a threat to her? The claims she made on the ex parte had no evidence backing them more did I ever hurt her. Why should I have an ex parte on my record that allows her to come to my home?

Justin’s Answer

She does not have an ex parte; YOU do. So there is nothing for her to violate. You must appear in court to fight the ex parte. I suggest hiring a lawyer to go with you.

Should I get a license in another state before my home state revokes my license for 10 years and I can’t get a hardship license?


Should I get a license in another state before my home state revokes my license for 10 years and I can’t get a hardship license?