What Goes Into Wardship? Helping Children and Youth Who Are Struggling – Guest Post


Wardship is a legal status that is granted to children who are deemed to be at risk or in need of protection. This legal status can be granted by the court when it has been determined that the child’s parents are not able to provide the care and support that they need. In this blog, we will explore what goes into wardship and discuss how family and community members can help ensure the safety and well-being of these children.

What Goes Into Wardship?

When a child is placed under wardship, they become a “ward of the court.” This means that their needs and interests are now overseen by the court system, which may include decisions about where they live, their educational placement, or medical care. The court may also appoint a guardian for the child if it is determined that the parent(s) are unable to provide adequate care. In some cases, this guardian may be someone from outside of the family such as a social worker or other professional appointed by the court. Typically, a guardianship attorney will be involved in this process as well.

The Role of Family and Community Members

While decisions regarding wardship are ultimately made by the courts, there are steps that family members and community members can take to help ensure that these children are provided with a safe environment in which to grow up. It is important for family members to remain involved in their relative’s life so that they can provide support and guidance during this difficult time. Additionally, community members should strive to create safe spaces for these children and create programs geared towards helping them develop skills needed to succeed in life.

It is also important for family members and community members alike to remember that these children have been through a lot—it is essential for them to receive love and understanding from those around them during this time of transition. It is also important for adults to set an example of respect for these young people—teaching them how to treat others with kindness, compassion, and empathy will go a long way towards helping them become successful adults later on in life.

Wardship is an important legal status granted when it has been determined that a child’s parents cannot adequately provide their care or protection. Family members and community members can play an important role in providing love, support, guidance, structure, safety, and stability for these young people during this time of transition. By setting an example of respect for these children now, we can ensure that they grow up with all of the tools necessary for success later on in life.