11 Laws You May Be Breaking Without Recognizing It – Guest Post

As a law-abiding citizen, you are aware of the Law. But do you know all of it? Not, and that’s understandable because our legal system is so vast and convoluted that it’s easy to miss something! However, there are some laws that you might be breaking without even knowing. These laws are often so technical, interpretive, and complex that the average person needs to help understand them.
In this article, we will highlight a list of eleven laws you could be breaking without even knowing—directions that you probably don’t give too much thought to.
Laws You Could Be Breaking Without Knowing It
- Gambling Without a License:
No, you don’t have a lottery machine at home. However, in some places, it may be against the Law to play a casual game of poker or another gambling game without a license, even at home. Unfortunately, gambling is highly regulated in most states, and breaking the Law could have serious consequences. While no law prohibits playing games of chance at home, some laws ban gambling. In some states, getting caught playing a game of chance without a license could lead to jail time or massive fines.
- Sharing your password:
We all know sharing our login information for things like Facebook, Twitter, and other accounts is risky. But you also might be breaking the Law If you share your login credentials with someone else—even if you have their permission. Current federal Law under the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to access a computer without authorization or over authorization could mean accessing another person’s online account. So be careful who you share your login information with because the consequences of getting caught can be pretty severe.
- Using Wi-Fi without permission:
Your laptop can pick up any open Wi-Fi connection in your neighborhood. This can be useful when traveling and needing a quick Internet fix, but If you use another person’s Wi-Fi without permission, you could be breaking the Law. Connecting to an unauthorized wireless network is considered a Computer Fraud and Abuse Act breach. Many state laws also prohibit most unauthorized use of another Wi-Fi connection.
- Wild animals being startled by your pet:
You probably love your dog or your cat, but If you find yourself in a situation where they are startled by a wild animal, you could be breaking the Law. State and federal laws prohibit harassing or hunting protected wild animals; some protect non-game animals if you startle them. While some of these laws may be construed as being overly broad, you could easily find yourself on the wrong side of the Law. To be on the safe side, always keep your pet on a leash when they’re visiting the wild. Another way is to get in touch with dog bite attorneys in Arizona and solve your problem regarding this.
- Outside of a café, honking your car horn:
You may have run late for an appointment, but you’re driving down the street and see that a café patron is taking a little longer than usual to finish their latte. You might be tempted to honk at them to hurry up, but you may want to think twice.
In most states, honking your car horn in a way that disturbs the peace is considered disorderly conduct. It may be a minor offense, but it is also still a crime, and if you are caught, you could face fines or even jail time.
- Lying About the Weather:
If the weatherman says it will be sunny, you can rest assured that you’re not breaking the Law. However, suppose you tell your employer, landlord, or neighbors that the weather will be sunny when it rains. In that case, you are probably committing a crime—especially since there are specific laws concerning lies and weather.
Specifically, there are laws in most states that make it illegal to intentionally mislead people about the weather (this means using words such as “partly cloudy”). These laws vary from state to state, but if caught lying about the weather, you could be in trouble.
- Peeping inside someone else’s window:
You may be tempted to peek inside if you see an open window in your neighborhood. But if you do so and you see something that makes you uncomfortable, If someone catches you peeking inside their house, you could be breaking the Law.
Peeping inside someone else’s window violates privacy laws (even if no signs are posted at the front door saying that it’s prohibited), which could result in a misdemeanor or felony criminal charge. So never try to peek into someone else’s window because it’s perilous.
- Photocopying of a Textbook:
Most students have probably photocopied something from a textbook. However, you probably didn’t know that photocopying is a crime. If you photocopy any material without the copyright holder’s permission, you could be breaking the Law. This includes photocopies of books, magazines, and even pamphlets. If it is copyrighted material, you cannot make a copy without permission from the copyright holder.
- Throwing Away Old Cell Phones:
Cell phones are beneficial, but they are also costly. That’s especially true if you have a smartphone that is more than two years old. And one of the best ways to save money on your cell phone bill is to refurbish or recycle your old phone. But if you try to dispose of an old cell phone in a trash can or the garbage, you could be breaking the Law. A number of states have laws that make it illegal to dispose of electronic devices in the trash. You can drop old cell phones off at your local recycling center for free.
- Sitting or Sleeping on the Sidewalk:
You might be compelled to sit or sleep on a sidewalk because you need to get to the bus quickly. If someone witnesses you doing it, you won’t be charged with a crime, but you risk getting into serious trouble.
The reason is that sleeping or sitting on a sidewalk is typically regarded as being against the Law in most states. It’s also as walking or sleeping on public property disturbs people passing by. Therefore, if you need a quick nap and sit on a bench outside, always pause.
- Utilizing another person’s disability parking pass:
Perhaps you attempted to use a nearby accessible parking space, but you might have asked for a pass for someone else. It’s a bad idea because you might break the Law if someone asks you to use their parking pass and you need permission.
This is somewhat due to the possibility of identity theft if someone other than the person with the disability can access their personal identification number or license plate. Therefore, it’s best to avoid using their pass without permission unless you are sure the disabled person doesn’t care if someone else has access to their past, which is unlikely.
These are the Top 11 habits of people who might be breaking the Law. To avoid being charged with a crime, try to avoid these habits and illegal activities discussed in this article. However, suppose you unknowingly break the Law or somehow did something illicit and want legal help. In that case, you should contact a Criminal Defense Attorney in Phoenix to get legal advice and solve your problems.