The Exclusionary Rule


Criminal Evidence, Criminal Procedure

The aim of the Exclusionary rule is to protect the rights of American citizens, protect them from arbitrary intrusion and dissuade law officials from abusing constitutional rights. The rule prevents the use of direct evidence gathered in violation of the Constitution inadmissible in court. Evidence such as one gained from unreasonable search and seizure or other unconstitutional manner may be suppressed by the court. This means that the court will mostly not admit such evidence in the event of the criminal’s trial. The rule is also employed when a violation indirectly results in incriminating evidence.

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Drug Courts


Missouri Drug Court

Drug courts square measure judicially supervised court dockets that offer a sentencing different of treatment combined with direction for individuals living with serious substance use and psychological state disorders. Drug courts square measure problem-solving courts that take a public health approach employing a specialized model within which the judiciary, prosecution, defense bar, probation, enforcement, psychological state, welfare work, and treatment communities work along to assist alcohol-dependent offenders into long-run recovery

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No doubt, incidence knock on our doorsteps without prior notice; if one happens and the next statement you heard is “you have to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law; you have the right to an attorney, if you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you?” How would you bring yourself out of such an ugly situation? There is usually a way out; consult with a criminal lawyer or a defense attorney as fast as possible.
Many times, we knowingly or unknowingly run into law-breaking incidences and this may call for an arrest or being held in police custody. There is a particular statement issued by the police during the course of the arrest; this pronouncement is known as the Miranda Warning.
The Miranda warning or pronouncement is a common warning issued by police to criminal suspects in their custody informing them the right they have to silence during interrogation that is; they have the right not to answer questions or give information to law enforcement agency or any other official.
As frightening as this statement is, it is a right given so that a suspect would not implicate himself during the course of an interrogation; although, not everyone knows the practical application of the right.
One may ask, what is the purpose of this right and how is it applicable to criminal suspects in police custody. Justice demands that everyone should have the right to speak without fear or favor which also extend to criminal suspects; which means a trial must take place before they are convicted or acquainted depending on the outcome of the trial.
However, it is always difficult for criminal suspects to defend themselves without fidgeting or altering implicating proceedings during questioning, and for their rights not to be infringed on, they are given a Miranda right; that is, the right to a defense attorney.
When eventuality occurs and one is a criminal suspect, the dominant thought in one’s mind will be how to get out of the ugly incidence; what you need to do is to take a chill pill and contact your defense attorney. The intervention of an experienced criminal defense lawyer goes a long way in curtailing any form of self-implicating statement suspects may profess during the course of an interrogation.
How Miranda warning is used varies depending on the law guiding each city. Missouri is one place that is dominated by police to maintain law and order. A situation may arise where you would be subjected to questioning or interrogation; you need to know your right, allow a criminal defense lawyer do the bidding in your stead.
The Missouri criminal defense attorneys handle issues involving reckless driving, moving violations, drug crime, license suspensions, and other related offenses. Reach out to a qualified … Continue reading



Police Stop Or arrest defense lawyer

Determining the line between a stop and an arrest can be really difficult, yet very crucial. Crucial because the police must satisfy particular conditions before either stopping or arresting a suspect. For instance, a police officer must have reasonable suspicion before he can stop and frisk a suspect. Yet, reasonable suspicion is not enough for an arrest. There must be probable cause for an arrest. And usually, when incriminating evidence is found during any of these encounters, the admissibility of that evidence in court becomes shaky except the police fully satisfied the prerequisite conditions before initiating an encounter with a suspect.

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Miranda rights and why the police don’t always read them


Miranda rights are the rights given to criminal suspects in the U.S. upon arrest informing them of certain rights before asking them any questions. The wording that is commonly used in a Miranda warning is, “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you.” The Miranda warning primarily serves to protect suspects from self-incrimination, but not being arrested. The Miranda warning is given by the police officer when the suspect is in custody and under interrogation. The reading of these rights is a safeguard because placing a person under custody is likely to undermine a person’s will to resist and may compel them to speak in a self-incriminating way.     

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Requirements For Probable Cause In Missouri


Probable Cause Criminal Defense

In criminal law, probable cause is defined as the legal standard by which law enforcement officers have reasonable grounds to believe that a particular individual has committed a crime or is going to commit a crime, especially to justify making an arrest, obtaining an arrest warrant, conducting personal or property search, seizing property relating to a suspected crime, or preferring criminal charges. Missouri laws obligate police officers to have valid reasons to undertake the aforementioned law enforcement duties.

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What is the difference between an SIS and an SES?


Difference between SIS and SES in Missouri

In Missouri, when an accused person pleads guilty to an offense or is convicted at trial the court can grant the defendant probation. There are two common types of probation that Missouri courts impose for criminal offenders-Suspended Imposition of Sentence (SIS) and Suspended Execution of Sentence (SES). The two probation options may be somehow confusing especially for persons who do not have a good understanding of the law.

In SIS, a defendant who pleads guilty to the charges does not get sentenced and instead, they are placed on probation for a fixed period of time. However, the trial court retains the right to pronounce a sentence which lies within the statutory range stipulated in the criminal statute if the defendant violates the terms of the court and their probation is revoked. But if the defendant completes the probation period in good standing, no sentence is imposed on them and the offense does not appear on their record. Therefore, SIS simply means the court sets the sentence aside until probation is completed under specific terms set out by the court. This option not only keeps defendants out of jail, it also gives them a chance to demonstrate to the courts that they can adhere to the requirements of the probation. More often, SIS probation is imposed for first-time offenders and persons who commit minor felonies. This option is perceived to be more lenient but that is not always the case.

SES may seem to be similar to SIS in terms of being placed on probation but it’s different. In SES, a defendant who pleads guilty in court is convicted and sentenced with jail time but execution of the sentence is suspended. The defendant will not serve the jail time and they are placed on probation. Should they fail to successfully complete the probation in good standing, the court has the jurisdiction of executing the jail time. The conviction permanently appears on the defendant’s record even after successfully completing probation.
An SES is considered to be a final judgment by Missouri courts while an SIS is not. Should a person who has received an SIS violate the stipulated terms of probation, they are taken before a judge who will determine if indeed they violated the probation requirements. If the court finds the defendant guilty of violating probation requirements, all parties will go back to the drawing board to determine the sentence to be imposed. On the other hand, a person with an SES and has violated probation terms will have the previously-agreed sentence executed. For instance, if you had an SES with 4 years of probation, violating your probation means you’ll be serve a jail time of 5 years with minimal chances of negotiation.
More often, first-time misdemeanor defendants prefer SIS to SES simply because the former is not considered a conviction provided one completes their probation period successfully. Under the criminal statute, SIS is not a conviction and can only be considered in subsequent trials and not other purposes. In case the defendant commits a similar offense, the courts will treat the SIS as a prior offense. A defendant who completed their probation successfully can deny any prior criminal convictions when applying for employment. On the other hand, the SES is an actual conviction that applies for all purposes.

Overall, an SIS is considered less strict than an SES. If you violate an SES, the court has a right to execute the actual sentence but as for the SIS, violating terms of probation will get the parties back to the drawing table to determine a new sentence.
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Do I Plead Guilty or Not Guilty?


Criminal Defense Not Guilty

What is the most likely outcome of my court date tomorrow?

I have used all my allowed continuances and tomorrow 7/18/18 @ 6:00pm is my court date where I’ll have to plead either guilty or not guilty to 3 charges. 1. Leaving the scene of an accident. 2. Very small amount of marijuana possession. 3. Not sure what it’s actually called but as I was pulled out of my vehicle to speak with Overland PD someone in the back seat tossed an eye glass container with an unknown substance into my driver side floor board. I was told it would be sent to a lab to test what it is. Now I am NOT guilty of the unknown substance charge whatsoever they could dust it for prints and mine will not be there. The insignificant amount of marijuana I am guilty of. The accident was more like our mirrors tapped in road rage while the other driver drove on the wrong side of the road to get around me. I’m not sure what to plead or what to expect, I am currently looking for work and can not afforded hire an attorney unfortunately.

Attorney Justin C. Hunt Answers

Best Answer
I am assuming that the judge either took your plea or you went to trial. It’s also possible that the judge set the trial for a later date. If you have more time, hire an attorney to keep this off your record. If you did plead guilty, it’s not too late! An attorney can attempt to set aside your guilty plea and work out a new arrangement to keep this off your record. Contact a local attorney for more information.

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Questions & Answers Series-DUI/ hit and what


Criminal Defense Not Guilty

First, stop posting facts of the case online. Second, your husband will probably need to hire a DWI attorney. At this point, the government has already started two different actions against your husband: a criminal action for the DWI/ hit and run, and a license revocation for testing over .08. These are 2 separate issues that you will need to fight.

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Marijuana Laws, Missouri, Kansas, And Federal


Marijuana Laws

Depending on where you live in the United States will determine your access to both recreational and
medicinal marijuana. Currently, 10 states and the District of Columbia allow adult recreational use while
33 states permit medical usage of marijuana.

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