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Question: Can i go to court by myself and show the judge the proper paperwork and have it dismissed or do i need an attorney?
I have a hardship license due to dwi. I was driving home from work one day when someone ran a stop sign plowing into the side of my truck. The police were called and they asked for our licenses. The current piece of paper that was valid the day before this accident was sitting on my kitchen counter at home. I gave him the expired one and he told me that it was suspended. I told him i had the current one at home just not physically with me because i just got it the day before. He wrote me a ticket for driving while suspended. I went up to the municipality where the ticket was out of the next day to prove that i did have a valid license and they made a copy of it and put it in my file but told me that this was a violation that an appearance was still required.
Answer From Criminal Defense Attorney R. Christopher Simons:
Do not take any chances, get your DWI lawyer to take your paper down there and get this dismissed if he is able to. This has ramifications of revoking your diversion agreement and hurting your ability to make a living. Call your lawyer immediately.
Contact us about your criminal defense matters and questions.
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