About 10% of licensed drivers in the United States are under 21. And the bothering…
Holiday Drunk Driving Facts To Ponder – Guest Post

There is no doubt whatsoever that alcohol affects one’s driving, and often in deadly ways, as nearly 30 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes every day.
Still, despite heightened awareness campaigns and stricter DUI laws and enforcement, many people continue to drink and drive, which explains why more than a million drivers were arrested for driving in 2018 alone.
With the expected drinking binges that typically come with the holidays, it is highly likely for law enforcement officers to add more arrests to that figure.
It’s even possible that some of those arrests would be for underage DUI, as minors will likely have an easier time sneaking beer out of the cooler during holiday gatherings when everyone else is occupied.
In any case, here are several holiday drunk driving facts that you need to ponder.
Drunk Driving Deaths Rise Between Thanksgiving and New Year’s
According to a representative of the nonprofit organization Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD), there was a 35 percent increase in the number of drunk driving deaths between Thanksgiving Eve and New Year’s Eve from 2013 to 2017.
Police Set Up DUI Checkpoints
Some people might think of holiday merrymaking as an excuse to drink and drive, but police implement measures during the peak days of the season to ensure that drunk driving will never be tolerated regardless of the occasion.
In many states, police set up DUI checkpoints at strategic locations to catch those who violate drunk driving laws during the holidays.
While states like Michigan, Minnesota, Oregon, Rhode Island, and Washington consider DUI checkpoints unconstitutional, the United States Supreme Court says otherwise, stating that keeping drunk drivers off the road carries is more of a priority than inconvenience and privacy issues drivers may raise.
A DUI Arrest Will Cost You A Small Fortune
Whether you’re arrested for DUI during the holidays or at any other time of the year, you can expect your violation to burn a hole in your pocket.
Your bail alone would cost you a few hundred dollars or more, depending on the amount set by the judge.
There are also court costs and court-ordered fees to consider, which could run up to $1,000-$1,500 for first-time DUI offenders.
Should a court convict you, you will likely be ordered to pay hefty fines and damages, depending on the circumstances of your DUI case.
If your sentence includes jail time, that means you won’t be able to work and earn an income for a given period.
A DUI conviction means you will also have a criminal record, which could make finding jobs once you serve out your sentence a bit difficult.
Car insurance companies also tend to charge customers with DUI convictions, much higher car insurance rates.
Whatever bonuses you receive at the end of the year, you can expect that money to go down the drain once you get arrested for a DUI during the holidays.
With all the alcoholic drinks in plain view during holiday parties, it would take a gargantuan effort on your part to refuse to partake.
However, if you do imbibe alcohol during the holidays, you should at least do what you can to avoid getting behind the wheel. You can have a designated driver, or you can use a ride-hailing service to help you get home safely. That way, you won’t have to face all the inconveniences and costs that come with a holiday DUI arrest.
About the Author:
Andrea Williams is the Community Manager at The Law Offices of Alcock & Associates P.C., a premier law group in Arizona that provides legal services to clients involved in Personal Injury, DUI, Immigration and Criminal cases. She enjoys cooking, reading books and playing minigolf with her friends and family in her spare time.