Content Marketing for Law Firms: The Ultimate Guide – Guest Post


Content Marketing

Content marketing can be highly advantageous for law firms. The legal knowledge that lawyers possess can translate into engaging and intriguing content. Eventually, content marketing can rank the law firms higher on SERP and help in creating brand awareness.

Content Marketing can be tricky for law firms as the target audience and content are niche but involved in several domains. In the case of legal services, the pulling power of legal content is the single most significant factor determining the success of a law firm’s content marketing strategy.

Blogs, newsletters, social media posts and other forms of content have become vital for law firms as audiences adopt original and compelling content that can offer them value.

Content Marketing

Each law firm has three critical audiences:

  • Potential Clients
  • Former Clients
  • Existing Clients

Law firms worldwide have taken up the task of upscaling their content marketing game for these three audiences to increase reach and gain visibility. Solid content marketing for law firms can help them rank higher on search engine results pages and generate traffic organically, eventually attracting more prospects.

How Content Marketing Strategies Help Law Firms?

A successful content strategy has become crucial for law firms wanting to showcase their competence and draw in new prospects in the current digital era. Content marketing is indispensable as it can foster trust and credibility in today’s industrial landscape.

Here are some statistics that will help shed light on how legal firms enhance content marketing:

  • 83% of legal firms employ external marketing companies for content marketing solutions.
  • 71% of legal firms are actively involved in their marketing efforts and strategy.
  • 88% 0f legal firms uses blogs for client development.

Content marketing tactics for law firms can include creating lead generating and informative content using blogs, eBooks, videos, podcasts, Infographics, social media posts, etc.

Law firms, like Weman Salas P.C. in Chicago, create complete resource centers as a hub for their content marketing strategy. Like any other industry, legal services are also invested in developing content marketing tactics for better Google ranking and reach.

Why do Law Firms Need Content Marketing Strategies?

Law firms need content marketing because high-quality and client-centered content helps them discover target audience, get more clients on their roster, drive traffic to their website, build authority and foster trust with prospective clients.

It is vital to set a tone of authority and authenticity as these are valued traits that can be difficult to find online from a client’s perspective. Content marketing sets parameters for law firms, which helps in building trust, authority and authenticity.

Clients tend to visit the website of a law firm before contacting them. They usually check blogs on their websites, Facebook and LinkedIn pages, YouTube channel, customer reviews, and success stories to understand a law firm’s credentials.

Here are some of the potential benefits of content marketing for law firms:

  • Generating more traffic through search engines and social media.
  • Increasing the authenticity and authority of a law firm.
  • Relevant and engaging content will increase the opportunity of getting organic backlinks.
  • Expanding professional network using lead magnets for targeted marketing campaigns.
  • Networking with more clients through videos, webinars and podcasts.

What are the Crucial Factors to Consider Before Creating Content?

Law firms must consider a few aspects before embarking on the journey of creating valuable content for their existing and potential clients. Firstly, a successful direct marketing plan focuses on client-centered content that answers the audience’s questions. Complete knowledge of target clients is the fundamental rule of any marketing strategy. Content marketing for law firms entails investing time and money into creating content. Therefore, it is important to determine which client they are creating content for.

Before creating content, law firms must consider:

  • Demographics of their potential clients.
  • Family and work background of their potential clients.
  • Professional and personal goals.
  • Challenges and pain points of their future clientele.

 Secondly, law firms must keep these two parameters in mind:

Tracking Sales Funnel

Tracking and knowing the sales funnel of a law firm has three phases:

  • Awareness
  • Evaluation
  • Purchase

Content marketing for law firms builds awareness and lets the prospect evaluate their parameters before purchasing the services of a law firm.

Law firms must be aware of three types of content:

  • Top-of-the-funnel content: This type of content is used to spark interest and generate awareness. So the potential clients of law firms must be educated, informed, and made aware by imparting relevant knowledge through the content marketing techniques.
  • Middle-of-the-funnel content: This content addresses the particular problems and requirements of a specific clientele seeking legal advice. It conveys the prospective clients’ answers directly. This stage combines educational and promotional content for nurturing leads.
  • Bottom-of-the-funnel content: This stage of content funneling enhances the trust factor set up by the other two stages in the form of reviews, testimonials, case studies, success stories, etc.

Keyword Research

As per statistics, 19.4% of the world’s top 5,000 most competitive keywords belong to the legal category. For a law firm’s website to rank high on Google rankings, its content strategy must incorporate keyword research for its blogs and social media posts.

Keyword research is also closely related to the topics a law firm must focus for its content marketing purposes.

Understanding the funnel, target clients, and keyword research are the pillars that support a strong content marketing campaign for law firms. 

Creating Lead-Generating Content

Here are a few lead-generating content ideas for law firms:


Blogs are excellent lead generation source for law firms. This content strategy can be used to educate the audience about the laws and the type of services legal firms provide. Through blogs, law firms can create content that directly responds to the different legal queries of potential clients.

Blogs help add value and establish the firm’s authority. For example, articles like “What to Expect When Facing a DUI Charge” or “The Top 5 Questions to Ask When Filing for Divorce.”


Law firms can provide free legal guides, checklists, and advice through eBooks, like “The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Will” and “Checklist for Trademarking a Business Name.”

Guest Posts

Law firms can create guest blogs based on legal advice or legal industry publications as a part of their content marketing strategy. Here are a few tips to guest post effectively:

  • Law firms can find the websites, blogs, and periodicals that their target audience frequents.
  • They can select trustworthy websites covering subjects like business, money, real estate, family, etc., where their knowledge might be helpful.
  • Offer to write articles for these websites for free; include your credentials and suggestions for pertinent articles. Most websites accept unpaid guest articles in return for a byline and backlink.
  • Law firms can also create writings that offer the public practical legal advice, demonstrating their authority on the subject.
  • Provide intelligent comments on legal matters.

Many firms and attorneys use guest posts to increase their traffic and potential clientele.

Case Studies

Case studies are an impactful format for lead generation due to their ability to narrate real-world success stories showcasing the best products and services. The prospects gains trust and reliability by reading about the challenges the other clients faced and how your enterprise overcame the challenges.

The tangible solutions for similar pain points make the case study highly persuasive and relatable for the readers. Lastly, most business-to-business case studies include metrics and results demonstrating positive evidence the product or service can provide. Overall, case studies are a persuasive and compelling lead-generation strategy that generates a steady flow of leads.

Considering Law firm’s it can produce studies that provide insights into legal organizations’ strategies, challenges, and operations.

Landing Pages

An effective content marketing strategy for law firms includes investing in landing pages. Landing pages are bottom-of-the-funnel content that aims to convince a potential client to take a specific action, such as booking a consultation or calling for a case evaluation.

Law firms and lawyers can also create topic-specific landing pages for their websites. Prospects may use these sites to search for a certain service or legal issue. For instance, “Starting an LLC” or “Divorce and Family Law”.


Keating Law Offices in Illinois made the above Infographics to represent bicycle accident victims. Infographics are a great way to convey a law firm’s specialty regarding services. It generate traffic because of its pictorial factor, which can be utilized by law firms to demonstrate authority on a specific legal topic.


Video marketing is one of the most intriguing forms of content marketing. Attorney interviews and success stories with their suggestions and views can be published as videos on the website and social media platforms to increase branding, generate potential leads, and boost website traffic.


Law firms can start podcasts with attorneys to impart legal knowledge and humanize their jobs. Podcasts are the new trend in content marketing and can generate fantastic traffic.

Social Media

Here are a few tips for law firms to leverage the power of social media and achieve successful content marketing strategies:

  • Law firms can create accounts on appropriate social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. They should use business profiles when necessary.
  • Share blog posts, videos, legal resources, legal counsel, and other materials to increase visibility
  • Join social media forums and debates about current legal issues to demonstrate knowledge.
  • Use a professional and firm voice to demonstrate authority as a legal company.
  • Answer questions, comments, and messages as soon as possible in a cordial manner.
  • Share information from other trustworthy legal sources, especially for topics outside the firm’s niche


Content marketing for law firms can be tedious to introduce and maintain. However, the rewards make it worth the time and money invested. Adopting a strategic content marketing approach is the necessity of the hour for law firms.

If law firms want to compete and succeed in the digital marketplace, they must implement various new-age content marketing strategies. Law firms that consistently produce and disseminate good, pertinent content will experience a greater marketing ROI through greater traffic, lead generation and conversion.

Author Bio

Kristin Mortis is a Marketing Manager with 10+ years of experience at TDInsights based out of Plano, Texas. She helps businesses deliver the strongest marketing turnaround with cutting-edge digital strategies and tools. She writes about B2B Marketing, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and other technological innovations. Connect with Kristin on Twitter to learn about the emerging practices being implemented in the B2B segment.

Kristin Mortis