I have 2 previous convictions and completed drug court 2 years ago... Not currently on…
My nephew has 3 counts of possession felony D he is currently not on probation and has court tomorrow for sentencing what happen
My nephew has 3 counts of possession felony D he is currently not on probation and has court tomorrow for sentencing what happen
Wanted to know what kind of sentence he would get for 3 counts class D felony for possession he has never been on probation before. This court sentencing is taking place in Jefferson County missouri.
Justin’s Answer
It depends on the facts of the case, the judge, the prosecutor, and your nephew’s criminal history. In some areas of Missouri, probation is common for a first time felony possession. In some areas, judges require 120 days “shock” in the department of corrections before granting probation. A judge could even do hard time for a first offense, if they feel it is warranted