How did I do community service for a municipal court then get charged in a…
Getting video from a bank that would help prove my case ?
Getting video from a bank that would help prove my case ?
i need to get video suevillance from a major bank . i understand its like pulling teeth . will my lawyer be able to pull it off . my understanding is that they answer to know one put the police are a judge . this survillance is very important to my defence . on a side note i told the officer that the alleged crime happened in plan view of all these cameras . im i to believe that theyll go through the trouble of even looking at the video to prove my case .Are will they simple take the witnesses word for it . And file it to the DA office
Justin’s Answer
If you have an attorney, you should ask them this question. Getting evidence, even from a bank, just takes a subpoena, which your attorney should know how to get.
As for your case, if the officer is thorough, they should have already gotten a copy of the footage and examined it before forwarding to the prosecutor. On less serious cases, however, I have known officers to ignore possible video evidence and just take the witnesses’ word for it. Your attorney should know how to deal with this.