You cannot get the restraining order dropped until the next court date, so it depends…
Will i get in trouble if my ex boyfriend who had out a restraining order on me is the one begging me to come back?
Will i get in trouble if my ex boyfriend who had out a restraining order on me is the one begging me to come back?
7 months ago me and my boyfriend of 9 years got in a fight. He was also abusive to me for a few years. However the night in question,i remember him hitting me and after that i dont remember. All i can remember is talking to the cops outside and they informed me i stabbed him(was not life threatening) just a jab. He was in hospital a couple days-yes from wound but mainly for high blood pressure( which he never took care of). I spent two months in jail and he put money on my books while in there. When i got out of jail he was the one who contacted me begging me to come back and would not give me peace. He keeps asking me to move back in with him. I have had contact with him, and my court day is coming in a couple weeks. Will i get in trouble for breaking order even if he wants it dropped?
Justin’s Answer
If you have an active restraining order against you, you may not contact him. He cannot decide to just drop it without appearing in court. In fact, I’ve seen ex’s pretend that everything is fine only to immediately call the police for a restraining order violation to trap the person.