What to do and how much trouble am I in?

What to do and how much trouble am I in?
I got an insurance ticket and got one year unsupervised probation in February and got another insurance ticket and a seatbelt ticket on July25th on a different vehicle that I bought from my uncle which waslicencesed and insured but then when it messed up and I didn’t know if it would be driveable so I didn’t keep insurance on it because I want driving it.My mom came to pick me up. truck and my van had been in the shop.I know I didn’t want to drive without any insurance, and it wasn’t licences because it hadn’t been drove. I have two hi, a 10year old and a two year old and I live about two miles from My moms so I made the stupid decision to drive it home because I didn’t want to walk at almost dark with my kids and got pulled over. I got an insurance ticket and a seatbelt ticket. I know it was my fault.and.I.shouldn’t have drove it but had to get it home somehow. I now have to go to court in September and am so scrad. I can’t drive the vehicle because it wasn’t fixed and it’s not legal. I will never drive a vehicle without insurance or a seatbelt Shaun van is still in my uncles we were waiting on title but i had it licensed in my name before
Justin’s Answer
I would suggest you stop talking about the facts of your case online: it can be used against you. What you have described is probably not a defense to driving without insurance. However, in many instances, an attorney will be able to help with this situation and keep the points from the new charge off your license. An attorney can also potentially set aside the previous case and get you off probation.