What can I do if my child other parent refuses to pay court ordered child…
If ur child is 21 ..and doesn’t go to collage but u owe back child support what happens then?
If ur child is 21 ..and doesn’t go to collage but u owe back child support what happens then?
My daughter ir 21 and i owe back child support what happens now?..jailtime or what happens next?
Justin’s Answer
You have to pay child support until the back support is paid. If you still owe back support, the payments do not stop when the child becomes an adult. If you fail to pay the back child support, your license can be suspended, your wages garnished, and yes, you can be charged with a crime. You can generally just call and set up a payment plan. If you wish to challenge the amount owed, you will have to talk to an attorney in your area.