Attorneys & Private Investigators: A Case Study – Guest Post

Car accidents can have significant legal implications, particularly when the facts are unclear or misrepresented. This case study examines the important role private investigators play in collaborating with attorneys to gather and present evidence that can make a critical difference in complex legal cases. Here, we explore how private investigators helped an attorney successfully defend a client against a DUI charge by uncovering the facts surrounding a car accident and discrediting false claims.
The Incident: A Late-Night Accident Leads to False Accusations
A car crash occurred late one evening on a quiet road outside Orlando, Florida. The vehicle, driven by Person A, lost control and collided with a guardrail. In the passenger seat was Person B, who had been drinking earlier in the night. Person A had agreed to drive Person B home to ensure their safety.
When law enforcement arrived at the scene, Person A stated that they were not driving at the time of the crash and instead claimed that Person B had been behind the wheel. Given that Person B had been drinking, they pled that this was not in fact true, that Person A was driving, but it fell on deaf ears. A bystander, Witness C, who arrived shortly after hearing the crash, mistakenly corroborated Person A’s version of events, further complicating the situation.
As a result, Person B was charged with driving under the influence (DUI), a serious offense under Florida law. Facing significant legal consequences, Person B retained an attorney to defend against the charges and clear their name.
Legal Strategy: Engaging a Private Investigator
Recognizing the complexity of the case and the need for concrete evidence to disprove the false accusation, Person B’s attorney determined that additional investigative resources were required. The attorney recommended hiring F3 Investigations, voted the top private investigation firm in Orlando, FL, who has a history dealing with complex legal cases making them an ideal partner for this matter. The objective was to establish that Person A had been driving the vehicle at the time of the accident, not Person B, and to challenge the validity of Witness C’s testimony.
The Investigation: Gathering Key Evidence
The investigators began by conducting a thorough review of the accident scene and the surrounding area to identify potential sources of evidence. The crash occurred in a relatively isolated location with limited traffic and few witnesses, which posed challenges. However, after extensive surveying, the investigative team located a security camera on a nearby building that had captured footage of the road leading up to the accident site.
Thankfully, the security footage, despite not being of great quality, showed the whole event. However, given the low quality and distance of the footage, further analysis was required to definitively prove who had been behind the wheel at the critical moment.
Advanced Analysis: Establishing the Facts
To strengthen the evidence, the investigators utilized advanced video analysis techniques. The investigators measured road markings and other visual references within the footage to create a scale that would allow them to accurately estimate the height of the individuals after they had stepped out of the car. Given the significant height difference between Person A and Person B—nearly nine inches—this analysis provided crucial insight. By comparing the height of the individuals exiting the vehicle in the footage (needing to account for the angle of the camera causing distortion), the investigators confirmed that Person A had been the driver, not Person B.
In addition to the video analysis, the investigators conducted a comprehensive review of Witness C’s statement. The witness had arrived at the scene shortly after the crash and had assumed that Person B had been driving based on the post-accident scene. However, upon closer examination, the investigators determined that Witness C’s vantage point and timing made it unlikely that they had observed the actual events leading up to the crash. The investigators were able to document these findings, highlighting the inaccuracies in the witness’s testimony and casting doubt on its reliability.
The Outcome: DUI Charges Dropped
The evidence collected by F3 Investigations provided Person B’s attorney with a solid foundation for their defense. The video footage, supported by the height analysis, demonstrated that Person A had been driving the vehicle at the time of the accident. Furthermore, the discrediting of Witness C’s testimony, based on the inconsistencies identified by the investigators, weakened the prosecution’s case.
As a result, the DUI charge against Person B was dismissed, and the case against them was dropped. Person A, having been proven to be the driver, ultimately faced the legal consequences for their actions in connection with the accident.