4 Precautions to Take if You Did a State Level Crime- Guest Post

If you have been charged with a crime that occurred at the state level, or if you have a friend or family member who was, there are a few things you should do to ensure you get a fair trial and a favorable outcome.


Knowing what you should do will not only help you to protect yourself from unfair tactics used by lawyers, judges, and the prosecution, but it will also make it easier for your attorney to protect your interests and advocate for your best interests.


Did you know that you can be charged for a crime committed in your state even if you were outside of your state? Here are a few things to keep in mind if you have been accused of a crime in your state that happened outside of your state:


1. Find a good Lawyer


If you have been charged with a state crime, it is essential that you hire a lawyer who has experience with your particular state’s laws. This is especially true if you are facing a felony charge.


And, if you are facing a misdemeanor, you need to know what a misdemeanor charge is. The best way to gauge the experience of your lawyer is simply to ask him or her about the types of cases he or she has worked on in the past.


Finding a good lawyer is not so easy when you have been charged with a crime. You have to do a lot of research and find the best one to represent you. You can type in Google or Yahoo, but then you will be overwhelmed with results.


So, what you should do is to just go to your friend’s/brother’s lawyer and ask them to recommend you a good lawyer, and they will definitely help you find the best lawyer to help you.


2. Do not tell anyone you have done a crime

There are many different types of crime. Some are minor and others are very serious. The ones we are most concerned about are the serious ones that carry a sentence of more than two years in jail. You will have to go to jail if you did a state level crime. You could tell everyone that you did not do the crime, but that is not the truth.

There are two types of crimes: (1) You may get arrested or be placed under a restraining order. In this article, I will talk about what to do if you did a state-level crime. First, I would like to talk about the physical evidence.


The police will use at least two types of techniques to determine whether or not you did what you are accused of, including comparing the evidence to that of other people and reviewing cell phone records. If the police believe that you are the culprit, they will arrest you, send you to jail, or will place a restraining order on you.

3. Make sure your attorney knows your rights


The first thing you should do is get your criminal case in front of as many people in the criminal defense field as possible. Don’t just ask your attorney if they know someone. Ask them if they know as many attorneys as possible who get paid to know a lot of attorneys. If you can get them to know a bunch of other attorneys, then that only increases your chance of getting a fair trial.

4. Make sure you have witnesses


There are a lot of things you have to remember if you’ve done a state level crime. You have to remember to have someone to write down exactly what you did.

You have to remember that there are people that are going to charge you. And, just remember that you might need to testify against your criminal in a court of law.


If you are ever accused of a crime, you should make sure your parents, friends, neighbors, coworkers, or others to back you up on the stand to demonstrate your innocence. Doing so will help you to present a more complete defense at your trial that will help to get you a better outcome.



Author bio: Criminal Defense Lawyer, Lynne Torgerson Esq. has nearly 30 years of experience in law. She can handle all criminal charges, gun rights, all felonies, gross misdemeanors, and misdemeanors, throughout the State of Minnesota including the Twin Cities of Minneapolis / St. Paul.  Ms. Torgerson, Esq., graduated from the University of Minnesota with a double major, with degrees in political science and psychology.  Follow Lynne on Twitter @lynne_torgerson.