Is it possible to get a restraining order against a family member who had verbally threatened you more than once?


Is it possible to get a restraining order against a family member who had verbally threatened you more than once?
My cousin calls my grandma verbally threatening to harm me for the second time in a year. Over the past 5 years the cops have been called numerous times due to him doing the same thing.

Justin’s Answer
It sounds like you’d qualify. You can request a protective order at the local court house.

If I get the restraining order dropped against the defendant(my boyfriend) Will the restraining order be dropped before our prom


You cannot get the restraining order dropped until the next court date, so it depends on where in the process you are. If your boyfriend has already lost the hearing and had a permanent order, then you will need to file the appropriate paperwork to cancel the protective order. If the hearing has not been held, you can show up at the hearing and request that the judge not apply a permanent order.

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