Understanding Fair Housing Laws in Wisconsin – Guest Post

Fair housing laws play a crucial role in ensuring equal opportunities and protection against discrimination in housing for individuals residing in Wisconsin. These laws prohibit discrimination based on various protected characteristics, such as race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, familial status, and more. By understanding and abiding by fair housing laws, both tenants and landlords can contribute to fostering inclusive communities that respect and value diversity. In this blog post, we will delve into the key aspects of fair housing laws in Wisconsin, outlining their significance, protections, and enforcement mechanisms.
- The Fair Housing Act
The Fair Housing Act, enacted at the federal level in 1968, forms the foundation of fair housing laws in Wisconsin. It prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, or financing of housing based on the protected characteristics mentioned earlier. The FHA ensures that individuals are provided with equal access to housing opportunities, regardless of their background, ensuring a level playing field for all.
- The Wisconsin Fair Housing Law
In addition to the federal FHA, Wisconsin has its own fair housing law known as the Wisconsin Fair Housing Law. The WFHL mirrors the federal law while also expanding on certain protections. It covers a broader range of housing transactions and provides additional safeguards against discrimination. It is essential for both tenants and landlords in Wisconsin to be aware of the WFHL to ensure compliance with state regulations.
- Protected Characteristics
Under fair housing laws in Wisconsin, it is unlawful to discriminate against individuals based on the following protected characteristics:
- Race and Color: Discrimination based on race or color is strictly prohibited. Landlords must treat all applicants and tenants fairly and equally, irrespective of their racial or ethnic background.
- Religion: Discrimination based on religious beliefs is unlawful. Landlords must not favor or disfavor individuals based on their religion and must make reasonable accommodations for religious practices unless it causes undue hardship.
- Sex: Fair housing laws protect individuals against gender-based discrimination. It is illegal to discriminate against someone based on their sex or gender identity when it comes to housing-related matters.
- National Origin: Discrimination based on a person’s national origin or ancestry is prohibited. Landlords must not deny housing opportunities based on a person’s country of origin or ethnicity.
- Disability: Fair housing laws provide strong protections for individuals with disabilities. Landlords are required to make reasonable accommodations and allow modifications to housing units to ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities unless it causes undue hardship.
- Familial Status: Discrimination against families with children is not allowed. Landlords cannot deny housing or impose different terms and conditions based on the presence of children, with certain exceptions for housing designated exclusively for older adults.
- Marital Status, Sexual Orientation, and Gender Identity: Wisconsin’s fair housing laws protect individuals from discrimination based on marital status, sexual orientation, and gender identity, ensuring equal housing opportunities for all.
- Prohibited Practices
To uphold fair housing standards, several practices are prohibited under Wisconsin law:
- Refusing to Rent or Sell: It is illegal for landlords to refuse to rent or sell housing based on a person’s protected characteristics. This includes refusing to negotiate, making discriminatory statements, or setting different terms and conditions based on protected characteristics.
- Discriminatory Advertising: Advertisements for housing must not contain any discriminatory language or preferences. This includes specifying preferred characteristics of potential tenants or using coded language that implies discriminatory intent.
- Steering: Steering refers to the practice of directing individuals to or away from specific neighborhoods based on their protected characteristics. Landlords must provide equal housing options to all individuals without any discriminatory steering.
- Retaliation: It is unlawful for landlords to retaliate against tenants who assert their fair housing rights. Retaliation may include actions such as eviction, harassment, or imposing unfair penalties in response to a tenant’s complaint or exercise of their rights under fair housing laws. Tenants should feel safe and protected when asserting their rights without fear of reprisal.
- Providing Different Terms and Conditions: Landlords must not treat tenants or applicants differently based on their protected characteristics. This includes offering different rental terms, conditions, or privileges, such as charging a higher rent, requiring additional deposits, or denying access to amenities based on protected characteristics.
- Inaccessible Housing: Landlords are required to make reasonable accommodations and modifications to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to housing. This includes providing accessible entrances, common areas, and reasonable accommodation for service animals or support animals.
- Enforcement and Remedies
In Wisconsin, fair housing laws are enforced by both federal and state agencies. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is responsible for investigating complaints and enforcing the federal Fair Housing Act. Additionally, the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Services (DSPS) oversees fair housing practices and investigates violations of the Wisconsin Fair Housing Law.
If individuals believe they have experienced housing discrimination, they can file a complaint with either HUD or DSPS within one year of the alleged discriminatory act. The agencies will conduct an investigation and, if discrimination is found, may pursue legal action, impose penalties, and seek remedies to address the harm caused.
Remedies for victims of housing discrimination may include financial compensation, injunctive relief to stop discriminatory practices, and measures to ensure future compliance with fair housing laws. Additionally, individuals can seek legal representation to protect their rights and pursue civil action against landlords or housing providers who have violated fair housing laws.
A clear understanding of fair housing laws is essential for both tenants and landlords in Wisconsin. These laws, including the Wisconsin Fair Housing Law and the federal Fair Housing Act, provide critical protections against discrimination based on various protected characteristics. By adhering to these laws, landlords can ensure equal housing opportunities for all individuals, fostering inclusive communities that celebrate diversity. Tenants, on the other hand, can assert their rights and seek remedies if they encounter housing discrimination. Moreover, it is equally important for both parties to familiarize themselves with the Wisconsin landlord-tenant law to ensure compliance with all aspects of the state’s housing regulations. By working together and upholding fair housing principles, we can create a thriving and equitable housing landscape in Wisconsin.