Bouncing Back After a DUI – Guest Post



If you have been arrested for DUI, it is likely that you experienced a vast range of emotions—from guilt to shame and maybe even shock. Once you get past your initial reactions, it is crucial that you create a comprehensive plan so you can effectively bounce back after your arrest. Below are some helpful tips to can look into:

Tip #01: Select the best DUI attorney

Here’s something not many people know: the representation you choose can significantly impact the jail sentence you are given, the charges you will be convicted of, and how your case goes.

Apart from providing help and guidance, a seasoned and competent DUI lawyer can also help minimize your fine or sentence. If you go to trial, you can spend as much as $25,000 (or more) in fines depending on your charges.

Typically, you will be taken into custody and will be allowed to make one phone call. Depending on the state where you live, you may have to stay in a cell until the alcohol has completely left your system.

Tip #02: Assess the role of alcohol in your life

Do you have an alcohol problem, or was it a one-time thing that went too far? You have to be completely honest with yourself to know what you need to work with. If you think you have an alcohol addiction, consider that your cue to take drastic measures to take control of your life again.

A DUI arrest and conviction can dramatically impact many aspects of your life. Apart from short-term repercussions like license suspension, it can also have long-term consequences since it can affect your future job prospects and your relationships.

Driving under the influence has resulted in thousands of deaths in the United States yearly. That means each time you drink and drive, you are putting not just your life at risk but also that of others.

Tip #03: Be transparent with your employer

Undeniably, a DUI arrest can impact certain aspects of your job. This is especially true if your license gets suspended. With a suspended license, you might find it hard to get to work or do some of your tasks effectively.

It is recommended that you discuss what is going on with your boss. Be clear and specific about how the arrest and conviction can affect your ability to do your job. It will also help if you prepare some suggestions on how you can minimize the impact of your arrest.

If you are in the process of searching for a job, you need to be aware that a DUI on your record might make it difficult for you to find employment. While unfortunate to note, there is a stigma that’s attached to this type of felony.

If you have spent a significant amount of time job hunting but to no avail, consider heading to a recruitment agency so they can help you connect with employers that are open to working with someone with a DUI arrest history.

Tip #04: Get all the support you need

A DUI arrest and conviction can be a wild roller coaster ride. To deal with something that’s life-altering, find trusted family members and friends and ask them to become a part of your support network. Here’s the bottom line: do not hesitate to ask for any help you need.

For instance, if you want to attend AA meetings, ask a friend to go with you until you have established the habit. Also, consider looking into therapy as another option that can help you conquer your drinking habit.

Final Thoughts

While life after DUI can be challenging, it is reassuring to know that there are countless things you can do to ensure you can bounce back immediately. Thankfully, the tips laid out above can help get your efforts off to a superb start. 

About the Author

Andrea Williams is the Community Manager at The Law Offices of Alcock & Associates P.C., a premier law group in Arizona that provides legal services to clients involved in Personal Injury, DUI, Immigration and Criminal cases. She enjoys cooking, reading books and playing minigolf with her friends and family in her spare time.

Will I go back to prison for dui?


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Question: Will I go back to prison for dui?
I hit a car and drove off while drunk. I got pulled over and taken to jail. I’m on parole

Criminal Defense Lawyer, R. Christopher Simons Answer
Going back to prison is a possibility. You need to stop posting facts of your case online and talk to a defense attorney in your area today.

Challenging breath or blood tests in DUI case in Missouri


At a sobriety checkpoint, police officers stop drivers at some regular interval whereby the drivers are briefly detained and those suspected of intoxication are assessed for signs of intoxication and impairment. Police officers do not have unfettered discretion to stop every driver at a checkpoint. There must be an established pattern for stopping motorists. However, the police do not need reasonable suspicion to stop a vehicle at a sobriety checkpoint in Missouri. These checkpoints can be set up at any time though they are common during weekends, holidays, late nights and early morning hours.

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Challenging BAC test results associated with breath tests/Breathalyzers


At a sobriety checkpoint, police officers stop drivers at some regular interval whereby the drivers are briefly detained and those suspected of intoxication are assessed for signs of intoxication and impairment. Police officers do not have unfettered discretion to stop every driver at a checkpoint. There must be an established pattern for stopping motorists. However, the police do not need reasonable suspicion to stop a vehicle at a sobriety checkpoint in Missouri. These checkpoints can be set up at any time though they are common during weekends, holidays, late nights and early morning hours.

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Drunk Driving Defenses in Missouri


At a sobriety checkpoint, police officers stop drivers at some regular interval whereby the drivers are briefly detained and those suspected of intoxication are assessed for signs of intoxication and impairment. Police officers do not have unfettered discretion to stop every driver at a checkpoint. There must be an established pattern for stopping motorists. However, the police do not need reasonable suspicion to stop a vehicle at a sobriety checkpoint in Missouri. These checkpoints can be set up at any time though they are common during weekends, holidays, late nights and early morning hours.

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Breath Test Device Not Maintained Properly


At a sobriety checkpoint, police officers stop drivers at some regular interval whereby the drivers are briefly detained and those suspected of intoxication are assessed for signs of intoxication and impairment. Police officers do not have unfettered discretion to stop every driver at a checkpoint. There must be an established pattern for stopping motorists. However, the police do not need reasonable suspicion to stop a vehicle at a sobriety checkpoint in Missouri. These checkpoints can be set up at any time though they are common during weekends, holidays, late nights and early morning hours.

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Sobriety Checkpoints in Missouri


Police DUI Checkpoint

At a sobriety checkpoint, police officers stop drivers at some regular interval whereby the drivers are briefly detained and those suspected of intoxication are assessed for signs of intoxication and impairment. Police officers do not have unfettered discretion to stop every driver at a checkpoint. There must be an established pattern for stopping motorists. However, the police do not need reasonable suspicion to stop a vehicle at a sobriety checkpoint in Missouri. These checkpoints can be set up at any time though they are common during weekends, holidays, late nights and early morning hours.

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Refusing a Breathalyzer /Blood Test in Missouri


Refusing a Breathalyzer

Under Missouri’s Implied Consent law, drivers operating motor vehicles on public highways in Missouri are obligated to submit to breathalyzer/blood tests whenever pulled over for suspected drunk driving. Typically, the breathalyzer/blood tests are part of a drunk driving investigation meant to determine a driver’s blood alcohol concentration. Refusing to take chemical tests as provided in sections 577.019 to 577.041 of Missouri legal statutes may lead to automatic suspension of a driver’s license.

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Sobriety Checkpoints in Missouri


At a sobriety checkpoint, police officers stop drivers at some regular interval whereby the drivers are briefly detained and those suspected of intoxication are assessed for signs of intoxication and impairment. Police officers do not have unfettered discretion to stop every driver at a checkpoint. There must be an established pattern for stopping motorists. However, the police do not need reasonable suspicion to stop a vehicle at a sobriety checkpoint in Missouri. These checkpoints can be set up at any time though they are common during weekends, holidays, late nights and early morning hours.

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