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My probation has been over for over 16 yrs. And just got a letter saying I owe 1,400$ for court cost but 12 12 in county jail

My probationhas been over for over 16 yrs. And just got a letter saying I owe 1,400$ for court cost but 12 12 in county jail
I 12 12 in county jail 16 yrs. Ago and just got a letter saying I owe court cost from 16 yrs. Ago I was released from probation and all then how do I still owe court fees when being released from my probation

Justin’s Answer
You question is not very clear, but, so far as I know, there is no statute of limitations on court costs. You should contact a local attorney to help you with this; just be advised: hiring an attorney may be more expensive than just paying the $1400.

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